The voice of the Earth Observation


Barents bloom, Sentinel-2A - processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Discover the largest European
Earth Observation Network

Our Members

Lake Balkhash, Kazakhastan, Sentinel 2 - processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

EARSC promotes the understanding
of our Planet for societal benefits

More about Earth Observation

Brussels, Spot 5 Sqtellite - Airbus Defence and Space


EARSC 4 Pillars


Representing the Members

The core pillar of our activities is to support and promote our members. We achieve this goal mainly through projects which we undertake (see projects). Members’ views are gathered through a series of ad-hoc working groups dedicated to important topics. We inform our members through a monthly report and a dedicated portal about important news and information, as announced bid opportunities – and dedicated e-mails for key items.

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Market development & Internationalization

EARSC is engaged in a wide range of activities to develop new markets and business opportunities for our members. Our strategy is to engage users, identify needs and stimulate demand for European EO services both in Europe and abroad with complementary commercial and geographical approaches.

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Promoting the industry

EARSC employs a range of sophisticated digital tools to promote the European EO sector. EARSC has three main digital tools which cover creating a shared vocabulary (EARSC TAXONOMY) , providing a common space to find EO companies, and a common space to discover ‘online’ EO services.

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Showing the value of Earth Observation

The Earth observation sector delivers a wide range of social and environmental and economic benefits to citizens of Europe and the world. To properly and consistently value these impacts, EARSC leads the Sentinel Benefits Study (SeBS) project in which we measure the total societal impact of products and services coming from Sentinel satellite data.

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the geo cape town ministerial summit "earth observation for sustainable growth and development" 30 november 2007, cape town – south africa

Environmental changes ónatural and human inducedó are having a significant, and increasingly destructive impact on our planet, our economies, and our social well-being. Sustainable growth and development of nations and economies requires coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations for early warning, informed policies, and effective decision making. The Summit will be the opportunity for: Ministers

Our Mission

EARSC´s MISSION is to foster development of European geo-information service industry.


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The use of the web site is subject to the following conditions. Accessing this web site and using the materials provided therein means you have read these conditions and accept them with no reservations: By using you agree to be legally bound by these terms, which shall take effect immediately on your first

About Us

The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) is a professional industrial body (trade association) with the mission to foster growth of the Earth-observation (EO) services sector.


What is EARSC? EARSC is an Association of Companies representing the Earth Observation Community. The association is made up of remote sensing companies within the countries of the European Union (EU) EARSC is a public or private organization? EARSC is an a.i.s.b.l. (Association internationale sans but lucratif) EARSC is an International Not-for-Profit Association under Belgian

GMES Atmosphere Service Implementation Group

The GMES atmosphere implementation group (IG) has been established and held its first constitutive meeting on 18 June 2007 in Brussels. The GMES atmosphere implementation group (IG) has been established and has held its first constitutive meeting recently. Members of the group are: Ph. Waldteufel (IG Chair, CNRS, FR), L. Bozo (HMS-HU), G. Braathen (WMO,

UN-Habitat Signs Agreement with ITC

UN-Habitat and the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) are clustering their knowledge in the field of urban development in developing countries. On 29 June, director of UN-Habitat Dr. Anna Tibaijuka and ITC rector Prof. Martien Molenaar signed an agreement relating to cooperation in the fields of capacity development, training and research.

SMOS instrument and platform unite

Following the successful three-month testing period at ESA–ESTEC, the payload for ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission was formally handed over to Thales Alenia Space in Cannes (France), for integration with the satellite platform. The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) payload module, developed under an ESA contract by EADS–CASA in Madrid, carries the

Parliamentary visit to ESOC highlights Earth observation benefits

Parliamentarians from African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union visited ESOC today. The parliamentarians are in Germany for the Joint Parliamentary Assembly ACP-EU, which is taking place in Wiesbaden, 23-28 June 2007. The delegates were accompanied by members of the European Parliament and the European Union Commission and were briefed on ESA’s Earth

International GIS Crime Mapping Conference

International GIS Crime Mapping Conference September 24 – 26, 2007 Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Brussels, Belgium The fields of GIS and crime mapping present a very exciting opportunity for police forces, government bodies, councils and community partnerships. The added functionality of GIS over computer mapping, and recent developments in GIS and spatial analysis applications have

China To Launch Third Sino-Brazilian Satellite In September

China plans to launch in September the third earth resources satellite jointly developed by China and Brazil, said Sun Laiyan, director of the China National Space Administration here Thursday. Satellite 02B will be soon moved into a space environment simulator and go through a number of tests, said Sun. Before returning to China in April

Next Sino-Brazilian satellite nearly ready for launch

A new Sino-Brazilian earth-observation satellite has entered a three-week testing phase and is scheduled to be launched from Taiyuan around September. Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) started working on the so-called Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) 02B satellite last June. Scientists hope the satellite, the third jointly developed by the space agencies of China

Outcome of the EC-EARSC Workshop (In-situ and EO)

Synergy between all kind of observations – being from active or passive, wireless or wired, fixed or mobile, remote or in situ sensors ñ is primordial to support a better understanding of the complex interactions between human activities and environmental pressures and impacts. This was the recurrent issue highlighted by a hundred of participants to

Bringing space down to earth

The contribution the space industry makes to our daily lives is far more significant, and tangible, than merely providing us with a better understanding of the universe ñ important as that is. The sector plays a crucial role in ensuring Europe has a high level of technological and industrial capability and makes its presence felt

Symposium on Space Applications

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the Government of Austria and the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2006-2008 are jointly organizing the second series of three consecutive symposia to promote activities to carry out the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2002.



New Job Opportunity at GAF AG Munich – “Project Manager Earth Observation & Copernicus LCLU downstream Services”

GAF AG is an internationally successfully operating company for cross-platform EO-based geoinformation solutions and for the development of innovative GIS and database applications. In addition to the reception and distribution of geodata, GAF holds a leading position in the areas of data refinement and geoconsulting due to its many years of expertise. With an international and

EARSC Board of Directors Election – Apply to Become One of the EARSC Directors 2024!

According to the Article 11 of the EARSC Statutes, the Board of Directors shall be renewed during the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Brussels on June 13, 2024, during EXPANDEO 2024. The 9 Directors will be elected this year for a term of 2 years. The election is an opportunity for EARSC Full members to be involved in the

European cooperation on satellite mapping: The Danish Geodata Agency and EOMAP join efforts in mapping the shallow waters of Denmark.

Nørresundby (DK) / Seefeld (D) – By using Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), the Danish Geodata Agency and EOMAP are joining forces to contribute to the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Bathymetry partnership, and to integrate the SDB data into the Danish Depth Model (DDM) “Finding new ways to map shallow waters, where we only have very

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