The voice of the Earth Observation
Barents bloom, Sentinel-2A - processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Discover the largest European
Earth Observation Network
Lake Balkhash, Kazakhastan, Sentinel 2 - processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
EARSC promotes the understanding
of our Planet for societal benefits
Brussels, Spot 5 Sqtellite - Airbus Defence and Space
EARSC 4 Pillars

Representing the Members
The core pillar of our activities is to support and promote our members. We achieve this goal mainly through projects which we undertake (see projects). Members’ views are gathered through a series of ad-hoc working groups dedicated to important topics. We inform our members through a monthly report and a dedicated portal about important news and information, as announced bid opportunities – and dedicated e-mails for key items.
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Market development & Internationalization
EARSC is engaged in a wide range of activities to develop new markets and business opportunities for our members. Our strategy is to engage users, identify needs and stimulate demand for European EO services both in Europe and abroad with complementary commercial and geographical approaches.
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Promoting the industry
EARSC employs a range of sophisticated digital tools to promote the European EO sector. EARSC has three main digital tools which cover creating a shared vocabulary (EARSC TAXONOMY) , providing a common space to find EO companies, and a common space to discover ‘online’ EO services.
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Showing the value of Earth Observation
The Earth observation sector delivers a wide range of social and environmental and economic benefits to citizens of Europe and the world. To properly and consistently value these impacts, EARSC leads the Sentinel Benefits Study (SeBS) project in which we measure the total societal impact of products and services coming from Sentinel satellite data.
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