
EARSC provides information through reports and position papers. In addition to our annual report which provides a concise view of our activities over the previous 12 to 18 months, we conduct regular surveys of the industry and perform analysis linked to the value of Earth Observation. For key topics, we prepare position papers setting out an inclusive industry position or view. The latest publications can be found below and lower down the page a complete library of reports and papers published over the years.


EARSC Certification Documents

The EO Industry Certification Scheme is designed to be applicable to any organisation providing a product or service based on Earth Observation data or data products.

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Position Papers

As the trade association representing the EO services industry, we provide views on key events and especially policies representing the views of the industry.

Read our latest position paper
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A regular series of analyses demonstrating the value of using Copernicus Sentinel data to meet societal challenges.

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DIAS Comparision

DIAS Comparison

EARSC has published a comparison table to highlight the main characteristics of the different platforms and make their features and functionalities clearer to users.

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EARSC membership infographics

Learn more about how EARSC supports its members in this informative EARSC membership infographics.

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Annual Report

Each year we produce a report showing what we have done in the previous year. It is your way to understand the full scope of our activities.

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EARSC Industry Survey 2023

Our annual perspective of the status of the European EO Services industry and the major trends in the sector.

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Music in the Park Twitter Post

Survey on the Total Employment in Europe in the EO Services Sector

The EARSC EO sector employment survey is the first report providing an estimate of the total number of Earth Observation (EO) employees throughout Europe.

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Music in the Park Twitter Post (13)

EARSC proposal to anchor European global leadership in Earth Observation

EARSC proposal to anchor European global leadership in Earth Observation

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Library of EARSC Documents

EARSC letters and position papers: 

EARSC response to the “Space Council” of 23 May 2024

EOcafe GDPR policy:


EARSC Industry Survey 2021


EARSC letters: 

2021-07-Letter to EVP Timmermans_EUForestStrategy

EARSC letter to Commissioner Breton:

EARSC-Industrial strategy letter

Working Group on the European Green Deal

EARSC Working Group on the European Green Deal

EARSC Annual Report 2021 


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