- September 20, 2021
- Posted by: EARSC
- Categories: EOcafe, Uncategorised

Thursday 23th of September 2021
16:00-16:45 CEST
Horizon Europe is the new EU research and innovation framework programme with a value of €95, 5 billion for a period of seven years (2021-2027). Aligned with the ambitious objectives of the European Green Deal, Horizon Europe will contribute to achieve a more sustainable and digital Europe. On 15th June 2021, the European Commission adopted the main work programme of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022.
For the first time in the EU Research and Innovation programmes, the use of space technologies is widely anchored in Horizon Europe and many calls offer funding to reinforce the EU capacity to access and use space. The use of EGNSS and Copernicus is at the core of Horizon Europe’s strategy, both at the policy level1 and in more than 100 calls across all clusters in the Work Programme 2021- 2022.
In particular, Cluster 4 “Digital, Industry and Space” will support key enabling technologies that are strategically important for the European industry2. Among the different technology sectors targeted (called “Destinations”), the Work Programme has identified strategic actions concerning the evolution of Copernicus Services, the development of applications for Copernicus and the support of space entrepreneurship ecosystems and skills. Beyond Cluster 4, it is worth highlighting that other clusters will be of interest for the EO downstream services industry. In July 2021, the European Commission published a document detailing the funding opportunities for Earth and Environmental Observation spread across 48 calls in 6 different clusters of the first Horizon Europe Work Programme.
1 See: Horizon Europe Strategic plan 2021-2024)
2 https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open- calls/horizon-europe/cluster-4-digital-industry-and-space_en#policy-and-strategy
With the objectives to “bring space into R&D” and supporting the transition towards a more resilient, green and digital Europe, there is no doubt that many opportunities will arise with the Horizon Europe calls.
The European Commission’s new initiative to support innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in the space industry (CASSINI), and the funding opportunities provided by the European Innovation Council provide equally interesting opportunities for the EO industry.
Join us in the EOcafe to hear more about the future opportunities in Horizon Europe for the EO Downstream services sector!
Our host Geoff Sawyer (EARSC Strategic Advisor and former Secretary General) will discuss with Mrs Marjan Van Meerloo (Policy Officer, DG RTD, Environmental and Earth Observation) and Martina Sindelar (Policy Officer DG DEFIS, Innovation Start-ups and Economics)
Topics which could be addressed during this EOcafe include the following:
- What is the overall structure of the Horizon Europe Programme
- What are the funding opportunities involving the Copernicus Programme (evolution of Copernicus services)?
- Which calls under Cluster 4 « Digital, Industry and Space » could be of interest for the Earth observation services industry?
- Which other clusters will present funding opportunities for our industry?
- What are the admissibility conditions and eligibility criteria to apply for HE calls?
Registration: The webinar is open to ALL but priority will be given to EARSC members. Registration is free but compulsory. Please click on the following link to register.
Registration link
Please note this is a virtual event!
EOcafe is part of a series of EARSC meetings that offer timely, relevant, and practical information on a broad variety of topics related to the EO sector. Join us every two weeks to discuss and network while enjoying a cup of coffee with friends.
- The use of a video camera is not mandatory but encouraged to facilitate better interaction among the attendees and the guest speaker(s).
- The EOcafe will stay open after 17:00 in case our guests want to continue the discussion.
- By registering for this event, you accept the terms and conditions (https://earsc.org/wp- content/uploads/2021/03/EARSC_Events_GDPR.pdf).
If you have any questions, and/or you want to know more about the EOcafe, and/or you want to share an idea about a future EOcafe, please contact Delphine (Delphine.Miramont@earsc.org).