- June 23, 2021
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News

During the Annual General Meeting of EARSC, members voted the composition of the new Board of Directors who nominated Marc Tondriaux (TerraNis) as Chairman.
Marc Tondriaux has been working in the Space sector for more than 35 years after 7 years spent as a telecom engineer in the French Telecom Research Centre. He joined Matra Espace in 1985 for the validation of the SPOT 1 control centre and has continued working for this company which became Matra Marconi Space, and then EADS Astrium and Airbus. He has been given different responsibilities, including Director of the Ground Systems Division and then of the EO Services Directorate during 11 years, gathering and managing Spot Image and the various Infoterra subsidiaries created in 6 European countries, launching and managing the development of the Spot6/7 investment program. He left Airbus in 2014, just before his retirement, for co-creating the TerraNIS company, specialised in EO services for Agriculture, Viticulture and Environment, which gathers now 20 employees, and where he is still President.
Marc Tondriaux joined the EARSC Board of Directors in 2017, where he took the responsibility of coordinating the working groups dealing with Small Companies Support, and with Applications for Local and Regional Institutions, in line with the actions he had started with the creation of the Eugenius SME’s association of EO services providers.
Marc Tondriaux is sharing a few words with the EARSC members and the community upon his nomination as Chairman of EARSC:
“I am very proud and honoured of having been nominated last week as the new Chairman of the EARSC association.
I would like first to thank the members of the EARSC board very much for their trust, and more specifically, Chetan Pradhan, my predecessor in this position, for his dedication to his mission over the past 5 years.
I will do my best to continue the impressive job made so far for making EARSC a recognised actor for developing the EO applications and services in Europe and abroad. That was evidenced last week during the EXPANDEO event, which has proven to be of very high-quality performance in terms both of attendance and of content, despite the technical difficulties due to the remote configuration imposed by the pandemic situation.”
My main goal for this new mission, as EARSC Chairman and with all EARSC Board Directors, will be to continue working closely with the European institutions and Space Agencies for the development of the EO sector and the industrial solutions serving both institutional end-users and various commercial sectors, for the benefits of the European citizens, and the Earth natural resources preservation.
I believe that my experience as a manager first in a big industrial group and then in an SME will help me propose and promote actions for strengthening the cooperation between these two industrial worlds and for overcoming the high level of fragmentation of the European industry in our sector, and thus developing further the EO application’s penetration in Europe and abroad.
I trust in the support of all the EARSC members for contributing together with the EARSC board to this common objective.
We welcome Marc Tondriaux in his new role and wish him a lot of success in his new position.
EARSC Secretariat