- June 18, 2021
- Posted by: EARSC
- Categories: EOcafe, European EO Industry

The European Environment Agency (EEA) plays a crucial role in the delivery of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS). The CLMS provides geographical information on land cover to a broad range of users in the field of environmental terrestrial applications. This includes information on land cover characteristics and changes, land use, vegetation state, water cycle and Earth surface energy variables.
The CLMS has been developed by the EEA, together with the JRC that has been responsible for the global component and provides a vast range of up-to-date data that helps to keep all areas of society, from European institutions, all the way to individuals, informed about the state and dynamics of the European landmass and its use. It is and is willing to be in the future the most ambitious land monitoring service in the world, as it provides invaluable environmental no cost data to users.
As far as today, the datasets created by land monitoring are combined into a variety of essential products and services based on satellite observations data modelling for future trends such as land cover characteristics and land use changes (permanent water bodies, imperviousness density product, tree cover density). That provides policy support for better decision-making and the European Environment Agency has created environmental reports based on these data.
Copernicus is now entering a new phase of activity following the adoption of the Space Regulation by the EU Council[1] and a new financial plan setting a budget up to 2028. As well as an increased budget, this will bring changes to all the Copernicus Services including the CLMS where new products and services are already envisaged.
A new Coastal Zone Land Cover/Land Use product has just become available which enables thematic hotspot monitoring and mapping. Recently, the European Ground Motion service has been added to the portfolio with a first product due to be released in early 2022, and a new service to measure the quality of water bodies is planned to be introduced with work starting on it this year.
The EO services industry and the EEA have worked well together, and the expectation is that this will continue. Many companies are suppliers of products and services to the EEA and have a strong interest to continue to do so. Hence, the evolution of the service and how this will take shape is of key interest. At the same time, the EEA is seeking to increase the uptake of its products and to see how these can help make a stronger impact in the commercial world through its industrial partners.
Join us in the EOcafe to hear more about the evolution of the service, the new products and services, and to discuss how to improve market uptake for these services.
Our host Geoff Sawyer (EARSC Strategic Advisor and former Secretary General) will discuss with Hans Dufourmont (Head of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service).
Topics which could be addressed during this EOcafe include the following:
- How is the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service changing with the new phase of the programme?
- Are there any implications for the EEA and/or the CLMS resulting from the implementation of the EU Space Regulation?
- What is the process for introducing new services?
- How does the EEA view market development activities and how the industry can play a stronger role?
- How will the relation with the industry evolve? And will it be based on the continuity of what it has been achieved?
- What measures/actions could be implemented to support the EO downstream services industry sector within the Land Monitoring Service?
Registration: The webinar is open to ALL but priority will be given to EARSC members. Registration is free but compulsory. Please click on the following link to register.
Registration link
Please note this is a virtual event!
EOcafe is part of a series of EARSC meetings that offer timely, relevant, and practical information on a broad variety of topics related to the EO sector. Join us every two weeks to discuss and network while enjoying a cup of coffee with friends.
- The use of a video camera is not mandatory but encouraged to facilitate better interaction among the attendees and the guest speaker(s).
- The EOcafe will stay open after 17:00 in case our guests want to continue the discussion.
- By registering for this event, you accept the terms and conditions (https://earsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/EARSC_Events_GDPR.pdf).
If you have any questions, and/or you want to know more about the EOcafe, and/or you want to share an idea about a future EOcafe, please contact Delphine (Delphine.Miramont@earsc.org).
[1] See more: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2021/04/19/council-adopts-position-on-14-8-billion-eu-space-programme-for-2021-2027/