- May 4, 2021
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: European EO Industry

According to the Article 11 of the EARSC Statutes, the Board of Directors shall be renewed during the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held online on June 17, 2021.
Composed of 12 Directors, 10 seats will be renewed this year. It is an opportunity for EARSC Full members to be involved in the governance of the Association, contribute to the strategy and definition of actions to support the whole Industry.
The Board of Directors shall appoint a Chairman, and up to two Vice-Chairmen and a Treasurer (called officers) amongst its members. Directors shall serve a term of office of 1 year. Directors that are also officers shall automatically serve a term of office of 3 years.
The directors shall be elected by the General Meeting of members. All candidates for becoming a member of the Board of Directors’ shall present themselves for election at the General Meeting of the Association. All members of the Board of Directors are eligible for re-election. Candidates for election to the Board of Directors may be presented by any FULL member of the Association. Notice of the candidature, signed by a member of the Association and accompanied by a written declaration of acceptance signed by the candidate director, shall be forwarded to the Board of Directors at least one month PRIOR to MAY 25. The Board of Directors shall include with the notices for the meeting a list of candidate directors.
1.Notification to EARSC members: 7th of May
2.Application: By the May 21 7PM CET
3. Electronic vote (1st round of voting): from May 26 to June 2 7PM CET
4. If there is a tie, a second round will be organized.
5. Announcement of nominees: 17th June – AGM
Who can apply?
Directors are elected amongst EARSC Full Members. Either a CEO of a company or, in the case of large companies, a Head of an internal Unit can be selected as a Director of EARSC.
What are the Directors’ duties?
A Director attends four (4) meetings of the Board throughout the year, and spends time deliberating on matters and policies related to the Association’s programs and services. In addition, Board Members should expect to carry out special assignments and to make appearances at dedicated industry meetings or other forums where EARSC’s leadership presence is needed.
The amount of preparation time will vary from Board to Board, depending on the nature of the subjects to be discussed. Spending one hour in preparation for each hour of the Board Meeting is a good rule of thumb. A Board Member should arrive at a Board Meetings prepared to be able to ask probing questions and take the initiative in dealing with the running EARSC issues.
The election process is as follows:
- Call for application: until May 21, 7:00PMÂ CET;
- 1st round of voting: from May 26 to June 2, 7:00PM CET.  All materials will be sent to Full members including the URL to the electronic voting platform. Full members will be asked to vote for 12 Directors.
- If there is a tie, a second round will be organized.
- Announcement of nominees: June 17, 2021 at the EARSC General Meeting. Â
We are launching the announcement and you have until May 21, 2021 to apply by sending a half page statement explaining why you wish to become an EARSC Director attaching your recent CV.  Notice of the candidature, signed by a member of the Association and accompanied by a written declaration of acceptance signed by the candidate director, shall be forwarded to the Secretariat prior to May 25.
Note that candidates, or standing Directors, that will not provide these documents will not be eligible for the election.
Please note that EARSC strives to maintain a healthy gender balance, and therefore both men and women are equally encouraged to apply. Please share this opportunity within your company!
If you have any questions regarding the procedure please contact us via info@earsc.org