Webinar: Earth Observation solutions contributing to EuroGEO: cross-benefits benefits e-shape and SCO communities

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Webinar, 14 October 2020, 13h30 – 15h00 CEST

The webinar Earth Observation solutions contributing to EuroGEO: cross-benefits between e-shape and SCO communities aims at identifying the challenges, benefits and building connections among the e-shape communities of users and providers and the Climate Space Observatory within the greater ecosystem of earth observation.

e-shape pilots of Water management, Disasters and Climate showcases will present their services in alignment with SCO’s use of satellite Earth-observation data on climate change, showcasing the European EO capabilities contributing to GEO social benefit areas and expanding the EuroGEO community by scaling up European user-driven applications.

Webinar Outline


Gilberto Camara, GEO Secretariat: Introductory words

13h35-14h10 Space Climate Observatory

• SCO presentation: Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Climate & Environment advisor to the President of CNES; Frédéric Bretar, SCO project director for CNES
• Project presentation LITTOSCOPE: modelling of the impacts of marine submersions on the coast. Claire Dufau, CLS Team Leader « Ocean and Coastal Applications towards Territories» Environment & Climate
• Project presentation FLAUDE: flood observatory in the Aude department, in partnership with C3S. Helene De Boissezon, CNES; Gwendoline Blanchet, CNES

14h10-14h45 e-shape

• e-shape presentation, Emmanuel Pajot, EARSC Secretary General + e-shape Coordinator
• Assessing Geo-hazard vulnerability of Cities and Critical Infrastructures, Pablo Ezquerro Martin, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)
• Satellite Earth Observation-derived water bodies and floodwater record over Europe”, Patrick Matgen, Remote sensing and natural resources modelling, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
• Harvester Seasons, Mikko Strahlendorff, Finnish Meteorological Institute

14h45-15h00 Q&A

Register here

About the organisers:

Space Climate Observatory:

A group of 27 space agencies and international organizations decided to join forces to set up the Space Climate Observatory (SCO). Based on fostering the use of satellite Earth-observation data complemented by local observations and socio-economic data, the SCO intends to devise advanced methodologies combining various types of data and to provide action scenarios at local and regional scales. The SCO aims to study, monitor and adapt to the impacts of Climate Change.

The SCO accredits and supports projects led by consortia bringing together the scientific community, public authorities and companies from the private sector.



e-shape (EuroGEO Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe), a 48-month European project, led by ARMINES, and constituted by a pan-European team of academic, industrial, institutional and user communities, develops and promotes European Earth Observation capabilities with and for the users.

By leveraging Copernicus, e-shape opens new opportunities to develop and expand its use, through existing European capacities, and develop research to business activities.

e-shape currently includes 27 cloud-based pilot applications under 7 thematic areas to address societal challenges, foster entrepreneurship and support sustainable development, in alignment to the three main priorities of GEO, namely the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement and Sendai Framework.


Author: EARSC

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