EOcafe: Women in Copernicus – The First Results of the WIC Survey

Women are part of the Copernicus experience. They are not always visible, but they are present in the production flow of the Copernicus / Earth Observation / Geoinformation (Copernicus/EO/GI) domains. The “Women in Copernicus” WIC project wants to give a voice and a face to the women who work with Copernicus, whether they are experts in the analysis of satellite data or users of Copernicus services in various fields of application. The project aims to identify opportunities and obstacles in the paths of these women, and also to inspire girls and women by bringing Women in Copernicus to the forefront of Copernicus.

Started in July 2020, during the COVID-19 Pandemic period, Women in Copernicus (WIC) project is funded by CoRdiNet, supported by NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies), EURISY (European association of space agencies), EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies,) and BELSPO (Belgian Federal Science Policy Office), and is led by BreTel (Brittany Remote Sensing Group, France), SPW (Public Service of Wallonia, Belgium) and UJI (University Jaume I, Spain). The University of Strasbourg (France) and Salzburg (Austria) are partners.

475 participants! This huge success makes clear that numerous Women are in the Copernicus Program, but also that they want to be visible. They expressed strongly their job satisfaction and their achievements in Copernicus. They want to have a voice and see this initiative as an opportunity.

If you want to know more about the results of the survey, if you want to react to the figures and personal quotations but also be part of the analysis and further discussion, join us on September 24, 2020, at 16:00-16:45 (CET).

In this EOcafe we will discuss all together the following:

  • The gender bias perceived by women in Copernicus.
  • The main barrier and facilitators perceived by women in Copernicus.
  • Why women do not follow STEM education/Copernicus and how can we advise young girls to do it?
  • How should we increase the efficiency of our Copernicus program without leaving out the high potential of the women in Copernicus?
  • Ideas for practical solutions will also be debated.

Our host, Geoff SAWYER, EARSC’s Strategic Advisor and former Secretary General will exchange with three special guests:

  • Dinka DINKOVA, Acting Head of Unit, International Relations & Communication, DG DEFIS, European Commission
  • Agnieszka LUKASZCZYK, EARSC Director & Senior Director – European Affairs at Planet
  • Nathalie STÉPHENNE, WIC project leader & Geomatics specialist in the Geometrology team, Public Services of Wallonia, Belgium

This webinar is open to ALL but priority will be given to EARSC members. Registration is free but compulsory. Please click on the following link to register by the 24th of September at 11:00 (CEST).

Recording here

Presentation here

Author: EARSC

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