EARSC’s extensive engagement with Earth observation user communities has highlighted the need for a common language to help services providers and users arrive at a mutual understanding of the types of services that can be offered and the benefits that can be delivered.

We have developed an EO taxonomy that is not only a process of naming and classifying EO services but additionally a tool to improve the understanding between these communities. The taxonomy includes a generic and comprehensive definition of available products and how these form the basis for the delivery of the EO services (the combination of e.g. EO products, in-situ data, modelling etc.) to deliver contextualized knowledge to citizens, business, government and other organisations.

The taxonomy takes a two-sided approach, describing this common list of services from both the suppliers’ and users’ points of view. These two views are described below. The taxonomy (upgraded under the framework of CopHub.AC H2020 project) is fully described in the links below.

Executive summary.

eoTAXONOMY (extended description).

If you want to have more information, please contact monica.miguel-lago@earsc.org

Author: EARSC

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