- March 19, 2018
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
Remote sensing is progressively supporting ecosystems and land degradation mapping and monitoring. As well, policy-makers and practitioners are increasingly realising the potential of remote sensing technologies for planning land restoration and rehabilitation responses, especially in multifunctional landscapes.
Please access the following ELSEVIER call for papers for a special issue on ‘Earth Observation for the Sustainable Development Goals’, with Graciela Metternicht, Alex Held/Flora Kerblat, Argyro Kavvada, and Lawrence Friedl as guest editors: Call
This special issue welcomes contributions that showcase the application of EO systems to support countries in target setting of the SDGs, including baseline determination, as well as tracking progress of implementation, and informing sustainable development planning and decision making. The papers should highlight the Sustainable Development Goal and target(s) (and/or indicator(s)) that the research contributes to advance.
Abstract Submission by end of March 2018 to g.metternicht_at_unsw.edu.au.
Please also check the EARSC Product Award as EARSC has decided to align this year award with one of the strategic engagement priorities that addresses key global policy mandates such as the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development |