- November 7, 2017
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
The Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) Land Cover (CLC) product of the European Environment Agency (EEA), part of the portfolio of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, is a well-known product that exists since the nineties. CLC provides valuable information on key land cover (LC) and land use (LU) aspects at European level. However, after 25 years of crucial information provision, and with new and more demanding Community policies, it is time for a major upgrade of the European LC/LU information basis. The European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) Action Group on Land Monitoring in Europe (EAGLE) has been actively working towards creating specifications for the next generation Corine Land Cover product, code-named CLC+.
The specifications for a new product such as CLC+ needs to address an as broad as possible user community. Therefore it goes through intensive consultation rounds before production will start in the context of the Copernicus programme and taking benefit of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. Preliminary specifications are currently being assessed by the EEA and its EIONET network partners in participating countries. This CLC+ User Consultation Workshop will allow a broad audience of stakeholders in public authorities, in industry or any other potential European user of LC/LU information to comment on these specifications.
This workshop is considered a technical workshop which will give ample space to a constructive dialogue, on the next generation core product for land monitoring in Europe.
The next step of the consultation process will be a political-strategic consultation. This workshop is a preparation of the discussion at the third level, which will take place in the appropriate Copernicus advisory and governance communities. Therefore governance aspects of the consultation process is not an objective of this workshop.
This workshop is of interest to all end users and stakeholders of the land community in Europe who wish to give technical feedback on the specifications of the upcoming CLC+ product of EEA.
The event is open and free to registered participants.The registration will close on 13 November 2017.