- July 11, 2017
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
The European Commission and ESA are looking for operational use cases to highlight how EO-derived products based on data generated by Sentinel satellites, deliver value to society and the citizens. Do you know of any cases? Would you like to suggest forward-thinking ideas?
As an organisation within the Copernicus ecosystem, EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies) is leading this activity aimed at showcasing the high inherent value of Sentinel satellites’ data for the benefit of EU society.
Copernicus Observer readers may be familiar with the three cases already studied and published last year which show – in different applications domains – that Copernicus really makes a difference! Under EU and ESA funding, EARSC has been awarded a new contract by the European Space Agency (ESA) to analyse more use cases and is starting a second round of research.
Use cases need to be operational (so that a value chain using Sentinel data can be identified) and ideally should involve both public and private actors in the value chain. Furthermore, it is essential to be able to identify a key user (which could be a customer) who would be willing to cooperate in developing the case.
For all selected cases, a specific role is foreseen for the service provider whose service or product will be studied. It will be involved in (a) supporting the analysis of the EO context, (b) helping to establish a contact with the primary user of the EO services/products and © providing any additional information that will help to perform the value chain and benefit analysis. A small budget could be made available to cover any costs.
In return, contributors would benefit from:
- expert evaluation of the economic benefits of their service or application, that will provide them with a very valuable marketing tool;
- visibility for their activities, thanks to the combined promotion that will be conducted by the European Commission, ESA and EARSC, which will consist of presentations in high profile events, printed material, press and social media promotion, and possibly video animations.
For proposing new use cases, please contact the EARSC secretariat.