- July 5, 2017
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
The Sentinel satellites are the space-observing part of the Copernicus system. Data coming from the Sentinels is used to deliver Copernicus Services as well as being used by companies to deliver products and services. In this project, we are concerned with products and services which use some data coming from Sentinel satellites.We analyse the impact using a methodology developed during the first phase of work but with some additional elements to extend the analysis.
The impact of that product or service is then evaluated down the value chain which is impacted. The methodology starts with a primary user and looks at how they use the product in their operations. Hence a “case” is based on a product which is operational, in other words embedded in the operations of the primary user. This is key as without this criteria, a value chain will not have become established. The analysis continues by looking at how the primary user’s activities impact others. The impact is analysed for each step in the value chain passing from the immediate beneficiaries step by step along to citizens and society.
The methodology allows the benefits to be assessed in economic terms. Modifications to the methodology (to be analysed) will also bring in other benefits such as reduced pollution or other environmental benefits.
The goal of this work is to demonstrate the value which is generated using satellite-based Earth Observations and particularly the data coming from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites. It should show a causal relationship between the Copernicus programme and benefits arising such as increased productivity, economic gain or social benefits such as improved quality of life. The evaluated and demonstrated benefits can be used:
- By policy makers to justify the investments which have been made into the Copernicus programme,
- By space agencies to demonstrate that the technology for which they have public responsibility is capable of delivering strong, beneficial results,
- By other public agencies which are using EO data and services to meet their operational requirements e.g. EEA, EMSA etc.,
- By EARSC to promote the capabilities of the industry and the strong benefits which can result,
- By companies to promote their capabilities and the power of their products and services.
Hence the results will be a powerful tool for all those working in the sector to justify past and future investments.
More than 20 case reports will be generated during the study which will also generate further analyses showing impacts of Copernicus Sentinels.