Copernicus goes Local – Copernicus Relays and Copernicus Academy launch event

About the Copernicus Programme

With its flagship Copernicus Programme, the EU is changing the world of Earth Observation. Vast amounts of Copernicus Sentinel data are freely, fully and openly available to researchers, the business world as well as every citizen providing ample opportunity for innovation across all industries and sectors.

About Copernicus Relays and the Copernicus Academy

The User and Market Uptake team at the European Commission (EC) is working towards ensuring that all current and potential users of the Copernicus Programme know how to harness the power of the Programme and its data. To ensure this, the Copernicus Academy and the Copernicus Relays were launched by the Commission at the end of 2016, and play a pivotal role in achieving this objective.

The Copernicus Relays are the regional voices of Copernicus in the individual Member States, thus bridging the EC and the end-users of Copernicus. The Academy aims to educate and release an increasing amount of Copernicus-savvy people into the workforce and brings together the EC and the educational and research organisation in the EU.

As of today, the Network includes 61 Relays (link to full list) and 79 Academy members (link to full list), which are now half-way through their first year of operations. Read more about the Relays and the Academy networks.

About the event

After half a year of operations, mostly remote and online, all members of the Network will meet in Brussels to receive the official welcome from the European Parliament and Commission. The event is open to all interested stakeholders. Are you ready to come on-board?

Participate to the launch event of the Copernicus Relays and Copernicus Academy.

The registration is now open!

Author: EARSC

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