The EC recognises the need to support demand for satellite services

Eurisy’s 2010 Position Paper advocated for better framework conditions to support the demand for satellite services among local, regional authorities and SMEs. Less than 3 months on, the EC recognises the necessity to encourage “new user communities (cities, regions, various industrial sectors, etc.)” to adopt such services, including through “the use of available funding sources including regional funds …” in the ‘food for thought paper’ Elements for an EU Space Industrial Policy (DG-ENTR, 21 Dec. 2010).

Eurisy’s 2010 Position Paper Securing the Benefits of Satellite Services for European Society, argued that while substantial support is already provided to the production of satellite information and services, concrete measures to support demand were essential to ensure potential end-users access the benefits of satellite information and services. Among these measures, Eurisy’s Position Paper recommended that funds should be made available to the users “via existing thematic EC calls specifically designed for end-users (e.g. Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), Structural funds (INTERREG), etc.).”

As part of its bottom-up feedback to policy-makers from European institutions, Eurisy has highlighted the barriers hindering the diffusion of satellite services for a long time, notably some of those quoted by the EC Paper: “the novelty of the technology, the lack of awareness by possible users of [the] potential [of these innovative applications, and] the lack of cooperation between data providers, service developers and end-users”.

Furthermore, Eurisy has been a pioneer in underlining the potential of new user communities, such as local and regional authorities and user-SMEs, who can innovate in their practices by using satellite services. The EC Paper takes into account the importance of “a variety of potential public and private users including new user communities […]” requiring “a whole range of innovation support measures, including demand-side measures. […] Such measures should encourage […] demand-side innovation”.

Eurisy will continue its contribution to shaping the political agenda through its grassroots work with SMEs and Local and Regional Authorities, in order help create the best possible framework conditions for professional end-user communities to tap into the full potential of satellite information and services.

Author: EARSC

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