Presentations GMES Governance Workshop – May 11, 2009 Brussels

The GMES Governance workshop organised by the EARSC and EUROSPACE Associations in cooperation with the GMES Bureau and the European Economic and Social Committee, EESC held on May 11 in Brussels, was successful in that it lived up to the main objective exposing possible governance models and making a first evaluation of their impact on the industry.

GMES needs to evolve into full operational maturity. This requires a sustainable programme including long-term funding commitment; a suitable governance structure and a specific legislative and regulatory framework.The type of governance which will be adopted might have a strong impact on the structuring and future of the industry.

09h00 – 09h45: Registration
09h45: Opening by P. Kamoun (Eurospace WG on GMES)
09h50: Welcome by L. LOBO (EESC)
10h00: Presentation workshop by S. Olovsson (EARSC) and O. Lemaitre (Eurospace)
10h15 – 11h30: SESSION 1: Governance models and Industrial Views
10h15 – 10h30 : Views from A. JADOT (EARSC)
10h30 – 10h45: Views from J-J. TORTORA (Eurospace)
10h45 – 11h00: Perspective from A. KARAMALI (GMES Bureau)
11h00 – 11h15: Perspective from J. ASCHBACHER (ESA)
11h15 – 11h30: Perspective from P. COUNET (EUMETSAT)
11h30 – 12h00: COFFEE BREAK
12h00 – 12h30: SESSION 2: Industry Views
12h00 – 12h15: GMES Organisational and System Integration Scenarios, Z. STOTT (Assimila)
12h15 – 12h30: Actual report on economy on downstream services, C. JOLLY (OECD)
12h30-13h30: Round Table on Ocean-Atmosphere-Climate
Impact of GMES Governance on Space & Services Industry
Participants: A. Pi-Figueroa (Starlab), V. Ruiz (INSA), D. Esterhazy (TAS), P. Stephens (DMCii)
Moderator: C. Jacob (Eumetnet)
13h30 – 14h30: LUNCH BREAK
14h30 – 16h00: SESSION 3: Industry Views
14h30 – 14h45: Impact of GMES Governance models on the future of Industry, G. DEANNE (Boss4GMES)
14h45 – 15h00: GMES Governance – Legal Considerations, I. BAUMANN (BHO legal)
15h00-16h00:Round Table on Land – Emergency – Security
Impact of GMES Governance on Space & Services Industry
Participants: F. Jaskolla (Infoterra), A. di Federico (Telespazio), E. Perez (Astrium), L. Kucera (Gisat), M. Bello-Mora (Deimos), C. Hoffman (Geoville-Group)
Moderator: C. Pradhan (EARSC Director)
16h00-16h30:COFFEE BREAK
16h30-17h30:FINAL ROUND TABLE: “The impact of GMES governance models on Industry”
Participants: J. Chenet (TAS), J. Conway (Spot Infoterra Group), P. Norris (Logica), P. Volk (GAF), M. Gross (Eurosense Bulgary), C. Gomez (GMV)
Moderator: P. Kamoun (Eurospace WG on GMES)

Workshop Material
EARSC Statement on GMES Governance 11May2009
Eurospace views on GMES Governance 11May2009
Round table questions
Programme 11May2009
List Participants GMES Governance 11May2009

Stakeholder´s active involvement will help to discuss, with small and large industries as well as European and national institutions and users, the perspectives within GMES for the downstream services sector.

Author: EARSC

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