BARSC Workshop 2009: Presentations and open forum on Remote Sensing in the Green Economy (Applications and Opportunities)

Thursday 21st May 2009, 09:30-16:30 BERR Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London

First Announcement

The drive to monitor and mitigate global climate change, improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, prevent environmental pollution, and protect the Earth’s natural resources is set to create numerous new jobs and substantial wealth for the remote sensing community through a variety of new opportunities, in today’s “green economy”.

Recent years have seen an increasing role for remote sensing in the green agenda. It is already well established in climate science and policy making, particularly in respect of monitoring changes to Earth’s climate and the planning of mitigation actions to counter such changes. It is already delivering valuable data to environmentalists, climate scientists and decision makers, and new opportunities are continuously arising as a result of developments in the underlying science and in remote sensing technologies.

This year’s BARSC workshop will examine the role of remote sensing in support of the green economy. The day will explore recent developments and achievements in this sector and discuss the opportunities they hold for the UK. Analysts from the remote sensing industry will describe how satellite remote sensing data is already being used for such applications, and scientists will offer their perspective on what has currently been achieved and what areas need further development. The impact and influence of related activities of organisations such as ESA, the EC, GEO and CEOS will be discussed.

The event is organised by BARSC, the British Association of Remote Sensing Companies, and is co-sponsored by BNSC, the British National Space Centre and by NCEO, the National Centre for Earth Observation. The event will bring together an audience from the public and private sectors with a common interest in getting the most from today’s leading research and development in remote sensing for green applications.

Attendance at the workshop is free, including lunch, but you must register in advance in order to gain entry to the BERR Conference Centre.

To register, please send an email with the subject ‘BARSC Workshop 2009’ to, containing your name, affiliation and contact details.

Author: EARSC

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