Intermap Technologies Launches Online Store for NEXTMap Data

Intermap Technologies has introduced an online data store, NEXTMap TerrainOnDemand, which provides access to the company’s library of 3D digital elevation models, orthorectified radar images, contours, and optimized TIN models. Customers can now search, purchase, and download NEXTMap datasets directly from the company.

The NEXTMap program is remapping the United States and Europe. With the introduction of NEXTMap TerrainOnDemand, as soon as the data is processed, it’ll be available for immediate purchase and download, according to the company.

Visitors to NEXTMap TerrainOnDemand will also find links to download free sample NEXTMap data, as well as a free Webinar that introduces the concepts behind digital elevation models.


Author: EARSC

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