10 Years Operational Global VEGETATION Monitoring (1998-2008) What's next? 9-10 Dec 2008 , Brussels

For 10 years, the VEGETATION mission has played an important role in meeting the need for information on the state of our planet offering the international community high quality data from a truly global Earth Observing System, which uniquely acquires data of the entire terrestrial surface on a daily basis.

Today, the VEGETATION instruments are still going strong and we are pleased to celebrate their 10th anniversary during a 2-day conference.

This conference will be a forum where data users, scientists, system engineers, environmental managers and policy makers can meet. It wants to look back at the past by commemorating the operational achievements yet at the same time intends to map the way ahead, with a VEGETATION follow-on mission and Sentinel 3 taking over.

If you are interested to attend, may we ask you to register asap as the number of places still available is limited.

For additional information, please visit our website http://www.spot-vegetation.com
or contact June Cools (june.cools@vito.be, tel: +32 14 33 68 07).

Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels.
Sincere regards,
The Organising Committee

Author: EARSC

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