
Start Date End Date Event Web Venue
19-nov-08 20-nov-08 GeoMatics Atlantic 2008 – Discovering the Way to a Sustainable Future web New Brunswick,Canada
25-nov-08 26-nov-08 ESA Council meeting at ministerial level web The Hague,
26-nov-08 28-nov-08 5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography web Salzburg, Austria
26-nov-08 29-nov-08 Eurocities 2008 web The Hague,
01-dec-08 03-dec-08 The International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS) 2008 web Bahrain, Bahrain
01-dec-08 05-dec-08 4th gvSIG Conference web Valencia, Spain
02-dec-08 03-dec-08 Navigation & Location USA 2008 web San Jose, CA, USA
02-dec-08 04-dec-08 GEO Expo China web Shanghai, China
04-dec-08 05-dec-08 Workshop Archiving in Digital Cartography and GeoInformation web Berlin, Germany
09-dec-08 10-dec-08 10 Years Operational Global VEGETATION Monitoring (1998-2008) – What’s next ? web (Egmont Palace) Brussels, Belgium
10-dec-08 12-dec-08 4th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies web Noordwijk, ESTEC, The Netherlands
18-jan-08 20-jan-08 ISU: Space for a Safe and Secure World web Strasbourg, France
20-jan-09 21-jan-09 Techniques Laser pour l‘étude des environnements naturels et urbains web Le Mans, France
25-jan-09 28-jan-09 Symposium GIS Ostrava 2009 web TU of Ostrava, Czech Republic
26-jan-09 27-jan-09 Models of Governance of National Space Activities in the Evolving European Framework web Budapest, Hungary
26-jan-09 28-jan-09 The International Lidar Mapping Forum web New Orleans, USA
27-jan-09 30-jan-09 DGI EUROPE 2009 web London, UK
08-feb-09 15-feb-09 15th International Geodatic Week web Obergurgl, Austria
10-feb-09 13-feb-09 Map World Forum web Hyderabad, India
26-mar-09 27-mar-09 Towards eEnvironment – Challenges of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe web Prague, CZ
15-jun-09 19-jun-09 GSDI 11 World Conference web Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Author: EARSC

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