Information on European Commission Policies and Programmes for financing and supporting SMEs

Your Europe:
Practical information for European enterprises and entrepreneurs working cross-border:

SME portal:
this portal provides access to information on the whole spectrum of EU policies, legislation, programmes and initiatives relevant to Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises:

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP):
CIP aims to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. With SMEs as its main target, this programme supports innovation activities, provides better access to finance and delivers business support services in the regions. It encourages a better take-up and use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and helps to develop the information society. It also promotes the increased use of renewable energies and energy efficiency. The programme will run from 2007 to 2013:

Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry:
Access to finance – information on EU contribution to SME financing:

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs:
Financial operations and instruments in support of EU policies – information on implementation of EU financial instruments:

Directorate-General for Research:
participation of SMEs in the Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7): Under FP7, SMEs can strengthen their overall position through networking and relationship building with international partners, access to research centres of excellence, and development of research and innovation:
participation of SMEs in Eurostars programme – European research and development project for a collaboration of research-performing SMEs:

Directorate-General for Regional Policy:
participation of SMEs in Jeremie programme (Joint European Resources for Micro to medium Enterprises) – an initiative of the Commission together with the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund in order to promote increased access to finance for the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions of the EU:

European Investment Fund (EIF):
EIF is managing EU financial instruments in cooperation with local financial intermediaries that implement these instruments in the Member States:

Enterprise Europe Network:
this new network offers support and advice to businesses across Europe and helps them make the most of the opportunities in the European Union; services are specifically designed for SMEs but are also available to all businesses, research centres and universities across Europe. The Enterprise Europe Network is present in more than 40 countries, with around 4 000 experienced staff in 600 local partner organisations providing expert advice and services to EU businesses:

Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI):
EACI located in Brussels and established by the European Commission, is responsible for supervising the Enterprise Europe Network:


Author: EARSC

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