- September 4, 2008
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
AO 5870 – Geographic expansion for European and Canadian EO services
Issued August 29, Closing date: 10/10/2008
The objective of this activity is to analyse how demand for European EO based products and services can be expanded into new geographic regions beyond Europe and Canada. The activity should address a few countries within a given geographic region.
Example geographic regions included within the scope of this ITT are:
Southern & Eastern Mediterranean Basin
Eastern Europe
Persian gulf
North east Asia
South east Asia
The analysis shall include identification of and geo-information needs and priorities, identification and characterization of local EO actors, mechanisms for building awareness of the European service offering, partnership structures for business development and communications requirements. A number of small service trials (‘road tests’), involving potential industrial customers shall be carried out to validate the market opportunities identified in the analysis.
Results from road tests shall be reviewed and used to construct a long-term implementation plan for how these regions beyond Europe can be developed in a coherent manner by to increase commercial business of the European EO service industry.
An important element within the analysis is to ensure that the proposed approach to geographic expansion is reviewed and agreed with the European and Canadian EO Service Industry.
It is planned to initiate 2-3 contracts under this tender, each contract addressing a single geographic region, of duration 18-24 months and of maximum value 250K€.
Issued: 5/8/2009, Closing date: 30/09/2008
The objective of this tender is to identify and explore recent developments in generation, delivery and use of geo-spatial information to improve existing EO-based services and their uptake in the private sector.
Three broad areas of development and innovation to consider are:
1. Improved EO-based information content (application of new algorithms, new R&D results, exploitation of newly available EO missions)
2. Enhanced integration of EO-based information (new methods to derive geo- information combining EO and non-EO information sources, new technical capabilities to provide services, new methods and approaches to integrate EO-based information within industrial operating environments and practices)
3. Exploitation of new enabling technologies (newly available underlying technologies, availability of advanced world-wide e-infrastructures related to geo-science data and information, new technologies to improve automation and access to EO data)
It is expected to start 10 – 12 contracts, each with a maximum value 100KE. The duration of each contract is expected to be 6-12 months.
Issued: 6/8/2009,Closing date: 30/09/2008
This invitation to tender responds to the requirement for extended validation of services in new market sectors where there is little (or no) established EO business at present, but where there is documented interest from industry to explore the possibilities. The main activity is to set up and complete a set of service trials that can address priority issues for key potential customers, both private sector (and operational public sector). As such, it is intended to foster the expansion of the EO service industry to address a wider customer base.
Priority sectors for service expansion include:
Climate change and Industry
Transport: Shipping/Ports
Geo- Marketing/Retail
Agro- Chemicals
Waste Management
In addition, proposals are also welcomed for activity in other market sectors but these should be accompanied by documentation demonstrating the potential level of service uptake and the current level of customer awareness and acceptance of EO derived information.
It is intended to place 6 – 8 Contracts with a maximum cost (to the Agency) of 250KE. It is expected that each contract will last 18 months.