ISU Symposium 2009: Space for a Safe and Secure World

During each academic year, ISU organizes a three-day symposium as an interdisciplinary, international forum to help both the users and the providers of space-related systems move forward from the discussion of problems to the formulation of innovative solutions.

The Call for Papers indicates how we have structured the next event which will address space and security issues in a very broad way.

As an independent organization, ISU has developed a winning formula for a “different kind of symposium”:
· Addressing all aspects of the subject – policy, business, legal, scientific, technical, etc.
· Creating ample time for discussion
· Fostering constructive dialogue among different sectors of the space community, or between different communities, that do not often interact in more specialized symposia.

At each of the past few events we have attracted close to 200 participants from agencies, industry and academia in around 30 different countries.

The Call for Papers describes the overall scope and the suggested content of the six half-day sessions which are entitled:

International Goals and Perspectives on Security
Civil Security
Homeland and National Security
Military Space and Dual Use
Space Assets and the Space Environment
Making Earth Safer and More Secure

The program will include invited contributions from leading experts in the field plus presentations and posters selected on the basis of abstracts submitted in response to the attached Call for Papers by the deadline date of 3rd October 2008. We look forward to receiving your abstracts and we hope that many of you will join us here at ISU Central Campus Building in Strasbourg, France to participate in discussions of this important topic.

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Author: EARSC

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