- June 30, 2008
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
The “Expert Group for the follow-up of the research aspects of the revised Lisbon strategy (LEG)” was created by the European Commission (DG RTD) in 2006 to give support in analysing and monitoring the research aspects of the revised Lisbon strategy.
The group focuses its work on the following activities:
o critical review of the research and innovation sections of Member States’ National Reform Programmes and Progress Reports
o analysis of ongoing and emerging trends in R&D at MS and EU level
o identification of new challenges for the development of R&D policies with a particular focus on ERA
o analysis of the policy instruments used to coordinate R&D policies between Member States and between Member States and the Community
o provision of advice towards the development of an enhanced knowledge policy
The following reports were prepared by LEG:
1st report ‘Research and Innovation in the National Reform Programmes’
2nd report ‘Towards open and systemic research and innovation policies for Europe’
3rd report ‘Open research and innovation policies for Europe – A leap forward!’
4th report ‘ERA governance issues and links to the Lisbon strategy’
5th report (to be finalised)