Announcement BARSC event: New sensors and perspectives in data policy.

Presentation and open forum:
New sensors and perspectives in Data Policy.
Thursday 12th June, 2008, 09.30-16.15.
BERR Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London

First Announcement

The last twelve months has seen the launch of a number of new satellites and the advent of EO data sources that will need to underpin GMES services pre-Sentinels. This workshop presents an opportunity to consider the merits of these new satellites, their contribution to the expansion of the EO value added services portfolio and whether the data policy meets the breadth of needs of traditional users both commercial and scientific as well as the emerging GMES User.

Provisional programme
Time Presentation
9.40am Radarsat-2 : A new mission & new operator & data policy
10.00am TerraSAR-X : new application opportunites and data policy
10.20am Formosat-2 : High resolution & daily revisit
10.40am WorldView-1 & -2 Latest status on both missions
11.00am COFFEE
11.30am DMC : Data & Data Policy
11.50am COSMO-SkyMed 1
12.10pm DISCUSSION – What do the missions bring? What data policies are needed to complement the opportunities?
12.30 pm LUNCH
1.45pm GMES Projects – Data Access in Practice
2.05pm Data Policy : the UK Government perspective
2.25pm Data policy issues
2.45pm TEA
3.05pm Data Policy –UK and International Security Perspective
3.25pm Data Users: Scientific Perspectives

You are invited to register for this BARSC-organised event, which will bring together an audience from the public and private sectors with a common interest in getting the most from today’s leading research and development in the remote sensing arena.

Attendance at the workshop is free, including lunch, but you must register in advance in order to gain entry to the DTI Conference Centre. To register, please send an email with the subject ‘BARSC Workshop 2008’ to, containing your name, affiliation and contact details.

More information at BARSC

Author: EARSC

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