New 'European Space policy' site launched

Europe needs an effective space policy that will allow the EU to take global leadership in selected strategic policy areas. Space can provide the tools to address many of the global challenges that face 21st century society: challenges that Europe must take a leading role in addressing.

The adoption of the European Space Policy communication and its endorsement by the joint European Space Council in the Spring of 2007 gives Europe its first agreed space policy.

The formulation and implementation of a comprehensive European Space Policy demonstrates the EU’s ability to lead and coordinate in areas of immense strategic importance. Space policy covers a wide variety of policy fields and involves a corresponding spread of policy actors.

Space systems and space-based technologies are a critical part of the daily life of all European citizens and businesses. From telecommunications to television, weather forecasting to global financial systems most of the key services that we all take for granted in the modern world depend on space to function correctly.

In the future space will become even more important and will offer new opportunities for business and services for citizens. Improved positioning or timing systems and global environmental monitoring will provide areas for innovative companies to flourish providing new services.

And of course, space is critical to environmental, security and climate change considerations.

Europe has been involved in developing space technology and science for over 30 years through both national programmes and the efforts of the European Space Agency (ESA). An important first step towards a European Space Policy was the adoption of the EC-ESA Framework Agreement in November 2003. This laid the foundations for many joint initiatives and created the structures that would lead to the development of a true European Space Policy.

Europe is home to a large, high technology-based aerospace industry that supplies a significant part of the world’s commercial requirements for satellite manufacture, launch and services. The European industry has been highly competitive in a difficult marketplace. A comprehensive European Space Policy will help maintain that competitiveness.

Space systems are clearly strategic assets that demonstrate independence and the ability to assume global responsibilities. To maximize the benefits and opportunities that they can provide to Europe now and in the future it is important to have an active, co-ordinated strategy and a comprehensive European Space Policy.

This website will present the latest information on European Space Policy as it develops and is implemented. It will cover news and developments from the European Space Programme and will act as a ‘portal’ to information on the wide range of European space-related resources that are available on the web and describe Europe’s identity and aspirations in space.


Author: EARSC

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