EURISY Workshop: Local and regional risk management

In recent years, natural or man-made risks for population, property and the environment have become increasingly complex, given factors such as demographics, urbanisation, industrial activity, climate change and the threat of terrorist attacks.

Local and Regional Authorities are often in the best position to provide emergency planning and response thanks to their proximity and knowledge of the local terrain.

Pioneering Regions and Cities use satellite information and services as particularly effective, cost-efficient tools for dealing with these risks.

This workshop will allow Regions to exchange information on risk management strategies that work and on best practices using satellite information and services.
At the end of this non-technical workshop, regional representatives who attend will know more on why and how to decide on, obtain funds for, implement and manage satellite information and services for the particular challenges with which they are confronted. In addition, stakeholders, EU and national decision-makers as well as participants from the private sector will also participate.

More information at EURISY website

Author: EARSC

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