PCI Geomatics to support THEOS satellite

PCI Geomatics, a world-leading developer of software and solutions for geospatial imaging applications, is pleased to announce that it will support image products from the THEOS satellite (Thailand Earth Observation System), to be launched in November 2007.

PCI Geomatics will develop support for THEOS data import, precision orthorectification models, image mosaics, and advanced data fusion techniques such as panchromatic sharpening. Support for THEOS will also include stereo DEM generation from the sensor’s forward-and backward-looking images.

Owned and operated by the Thai Ministry of Science and Technology’s Space Agency (GISTDA), THEOS will provide customers in Thailand and abroad with image processing capabilities and geo-referenced image products. Potential applications include projects in cartography, land use, agriculture, forestry, coastal zone and flood risk monitoring, and disaster mitigation.

“PCI Geomatics congratulates GISTDA on the upcoming launch of the THEOS satellite,” said Adam Evans, Sales Manager for Asia at PCI Geomatics. “As a long-time supporter of geospatial imaging in Thailand, PCI looks forward to supporting the sensor for a wide variety of applications.”

About PCI Geomatics

PCI Geomatics is a world-leading developer of geospatial software, specializing in remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, spatial analysis, cartographic production, and, more recently, automated production systems. Today, with our trusted Geomatica® brand, PCI Geomatics provides all the image-centric solutions necessary to meet the expectations of a large and expanding industry. Since 1982, the company and its reputation have continued to grow as a result of innovative leadership, strong technology partnerships, active geomatics community involvement, and a dedication to earn the trust of customers who use PCI Geomatics.

For more information, visit www.pcigeomatics.com

Press Contact:

Alysia Vetter

Marketing Communications Specialist

Tel: 819-770-0022, Ext. 233

Fax: 819-770-0098

Email: vetter@pcigeomatics.com

Web: www.pcigeomatics.com

Author: EARSC

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