SPOT Image Corp. Introduces e-Commerce Solution

SPOT Image Corp. today unveiled SPOT Online Access, a web-based e-commerce portal that allows customers to browse, purchase and download satellite imagery online. Currently supporting SPOT and Formosat-2 data, the services will soon be expanded to include other satellite and aerial geo-spatial data.

Currently available to the U.S. market, SPOT Online Access offers two new online services: An “Online Store”,where users can purchase online extracts of SPOTMapsTM product, our high quality 2.5-meter-resolution ortho-rectified imagery. An “Online Library”, where users can access, manage and share geo-spatial data for SPOT and Formosat-2 data

We are focusing our efforts on developing web-based services to ease access to our data. This is now a key part of our business. We developed SPOT Online Access to give both professional and consumer users the ability to perform online searches and purchase imagery covering their exact areas of interest. We are always looking for ways to improve our services, said Nicolas Stussi, Director of Services at SPOT Image Corp. in Chantilly, VA.

SPOT Image Online Store

SPOT Online Access is our online store where you can now buy our data by the square kilometer, said Stussi.

Now available at, SPOT Online Access provides access to the new Spot Image product offering named SPOTMapsTM, a 2.5-meter-resolution, natural-color, country-wide ortho-mosaicked image of France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Luxembourg. All imagery was collected within the past three years by the SPOT 5 satellite and ortho-rectified using high-quality 3D location data. SPOT Image Corp. plans to continually add new country-wide image mosaics to the site as they are created.

By design, SPOT Online Access moves away from the tradition of selling satellite imagery by scene, and instead focuses on the customer?s area of interest (AOI). With a few mouse clicks, the user can delineate, or “cookie cut”, their precise AOI of any size or shape, and get delivery of their product within minutes.

An Online Library Service

SPOT Image Corporation also offers an “Online Library” service through the same application. Each clientÂ¥s data is hosted and accessible online through SPOT Online Access.

A unique capability of this service is that it encourages sharing of imagery within large organizations, such as governmental agencies and departments, said Stussi.

Existing SPOT clients can use the site to access a complete record of data purchases made by their organization in recent years. Each purchased scene is listed with the licensing terms under which it was originally bought. If the user finds that a desired scene has already been obtained by his or her organization, the user may upgrade the licensing terms to gain access to that imagery rather than purchase it again at full price. This service is now offered to U.S. clients under an annual subscription service.

The site is powered by DataDoors, the image provisioning system developed by i-cubed of Fort Collins, Colorado. We have a great partnership with i-cubed, and we have all worked very hard over the past few months to adapt DataDoors to fit our business model and the needs of our clients, said Antoine de Chassy, President and CEO of SPOT Image Corp.

Initially offered to U.S. customers, SPOT Online Access will soon be open for business to users worldwide.

About SPOT Image Corp.

SPOT Image Corporation is Spot ImageÂ¥s North American fully-owned subsidiary. Spot Image’s wide range of products and services makes it a leading supplier of geospatial information. Over two decades, the company has perfected the ability to harness space- and ground-based systems to meet customers’ needs.

Headquartered in Toulouse, France, with subsidiaries and offices in Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Peru, Singapore and the United States, the Spot Image group leverages a global network of ground receiving stations, partners and distributors to bring geographic information to public- and private-sector decision-makers worldwide.

For further information:
Nicolas Stussi
14595 Avion Parkway, Suite 500 Chantilly, VA, USA
Phone 703 715 3129


Author: EARSC

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