Climate Change Debate at G8 Summit

The Heads of State and Government agreed at Heiligendamm to achieve the goal of cutting global CO2 emissions by half by 2050 as part of a UN process. Resolutions adopted by the EU, Japan and Canada form the basis of the agreement reached on climate protection, adding the approach suggested by the United States by incorporating the biggest greenhouse gas emitters outside the United States, especially China and India.

The environment ministers of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change can now negotiate details on how the global reductions are to be achieved. A post-Kyoto Protocol regulation is to be agreed during the Global Climate Change Conference and adopted by 2009.

This agreement is once again underlining the driving role that GMES will have to play in helping decision makers to monitor progress of efforts done.

More information at G8

(Source GMES.Info)

Author: EARSC

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