Integrating in-situ monitoring and EO in the framework of GMES and GEOSS

The GMES and GEOSS initiatives, in concert with other activities, are creating a paradigm change in geo-spatial and environmental information sharing and recognise that geo-spatial products and services are key to both economic return and management of global issues.

ìIntegrating in-situ monitoring and Earth Observation in the framework of GMES and GEOSSî

Open cluster meeting Brussels, May 31st, 2007

Earth Monitoring is at a turning point world wide. The awareness of the risks inherent to an uncontrolled development of human activities has led to environmental protocols, to the setup of new partnerships, such as the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and the European GMES initiative (Global Monitoring of Environment and Security), and the need to develop synergies between existing capacities internationally. GMES has already gathered substantial momentum through the actions of the European Union and European Space Agencies and through the wide ranging participation of European industry. The initiative encompasses in-situ, airborne and spaceborne sensor deployment, ground infrastructures and data processing, value added data production and interpretation, up to extending aid for Environment and Security decision-making.

The last decade has seen huge progress in sensor network technologies: small computers and sensors costing tens of euros, tiny operating systems running in hundreds of bytes of memory, short-range radios consuming minimal power, and multi-hop networks covering local areas. As sensor network research continues, one trend is “bigger”: more powerful computers and sensors, higher-level operating systems services, mixes of radio technologies, and wide-area networks connecting sensornets in global deployments; another trend is “smaller” very cheap throw away sensors (RFID and beyond). In the meantime, remote sensing is becoming increasingly accurate and flexible, and these improvements are now in the process of being successfully applied to high altitude platforms and UAV, which present new and added possibilities for earth observation.

It is by now well accepted that the proper monitoring of our planet will require the use of both in-situ and remote sensing techniques. While these approaches are operationally very different, they have each an essential role to play in any serious plan to monitor a site, region, country, or the Earth as a whole. Unfortunately this synergy is neither yet realised nor fully appreciated, in part because of the different technologies involved and skills required to operate them, in part because of the resilience of traditional working practices (resistance to change), in part also because of arguments linked to training; to the need to implement new tools and models, just to name a few.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • First: to bring together experts from the two sides to increase mutual knowledge of their communities
  • Second: to assess the above-mentioned trends in new applications
  • Third: to explore the mechanisms of synergy between in-situ and RS and to evaluate its impact.
  • Fourth: to identify technical and non technical obstacles to the uptake of the proposed solutions.

AGENDA (pdf)

Welcome (09h00-09h30)

G. Weets (EU-DG INFSO), P. Kamoun (EARSC)

Discussion 1: Sensors network architecture: (09h30-10h30)

Moderator: J. Pereira (EU-DG-INFSO)

  • Current trends in sensor networks, J. Pereira (EU-DG-INFSO)
  • Sensor networks interoperability, R. Denzer (ENVIROMATICS, SANY Project)
  • Open architecture for smart and in-situ sensor networks, D. Tacyniak, S. Jirka (THALES COMMUNICATIONS, OSIRIS Project)
  • Self-organized wireless sensor networks, P. Capodieci (SELEXCOMMUNICATIONS, WINSOC Project)
  • Data base integration of multiple sensors, J. Jackson (ORACLE)

Coffee Break

Discussion 2: Pilot implementations: (10h45-12h30)

Moderator: K. Fabbri (EU-DG-INFSO)

  • Sensors for forest fire detection: C.C. Tassini (D¥APPOLONIA, EU-FIRE Project)
  • Sensor networks for tsunami monitoring: J. W‰chter (GFZPOTDAM, DEWS Project)
  • High Altitude Platforms for environmental monitoring and risk management: N. Lewycky (VITO, OSIRIS Project)
  • Multi-parametric approach to water quality: L. Sanfilippo (SYSTEA, WARMER Project)
  • Visual sensor integration: P. Chrobocinski (EADS, DYVINE Project)

Lunch Break

Discussion 3: Integration of in-situ and EO sensors: (14h00-15h00)

Moderator: P. Kamoun (EARSC)

  • Combining EO and in-situ: T. Hamre (NERSC, INTERRISK Project)
  • Sensor Fusion Services: Z.A. Sabeur (BMT Cordah, SANY Project)
  • COPS project: Cooperating EO sensors: D. Carrasco (INDRA)
  • Demostrate innovative ways to exploit Earth Observation and in-situ data synergies: V. Shreurs (GIM)

Round Table 1: Integration of in-situ and EO sensors: (15h00-16h00)

Moderator: P. Kamoun (EARSC)

  • Mapping of in-situ communities: M. Erhard (EEA)
  • GEO/GEOSS introduction / Meteorology and air pollution: U. Gartner (EUMETNET)
  • Integration in mapping: J. Pitteurs (TELEATLAS)
  • GMES fast track applications: W. Steinborn (GMES Bureau)

Coffee Break

Round table 2: Infrastructure and Policies: (16h15-17h00)

Moderator: M. Monteiro (EU-DG-INFSO)

  • The Community Environmental Policy Context: H. De Groof, (EU-DG-ENV)
  • Infrastructure and support for Research and Services (SSE, HMA, KIM, KEO, GRIS): S. DíElia, (ESA)
  • UNOSAT contribution: F. Pisano (UN-UNOSAT)

Final Round table: îTechnology and Systems Roadmap: whatís nextî (17h00-17h30)

Moderator: M. Schoupe (EU-DG-INFSO). Rapporteur: Y. Coene (Spacebel)

Participants: G. Weets (EU-DG-INFSO), W. Steinborn (EU-DG-ENT), V. Gabaglio (EUMETSAT), G. Rum (GEO), M. Erhard (EEA), B.L. Bye (ESEAS)

PDF: ec-earsc-ws-final-report_en.pdf

Author: EARSC

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