Sinequanet Workshop – March 28, 2007, ESA-ESRIN

In November 2005, ESA and the European Commission launched Sinequanet. The objective is to build a network able to organise, structure & deliver access to technical facilities, expert support; and training services specifically aimed at the needs of high-technology SMEs who are currently supply, or are looking to enter, the European space industry. Ultimately, the aim is to reinforce the profitable flow of innovation into and out of the European space technology business.
The Frascati, ITALY workshop will provide a mix of:
?Øconcrete examples of assistance provided to SMEs,
?Ødebate & dialogue – your chance to help us ensure Sinequanet will meet your expectations.
Importantly, it is an opportunity for you to meet new contacts, gain new insights, and improve your understanding on how best to participate in the business & technology of European space programmes.
SINEQUANET: Executive Overview
Location: ESA-ESRIN
Author: EARSC

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