- March 9, 2007
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
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Call for Papers
Extended abstract submission due date: 31 March 2007
Extended abstract submission due date: 31 March 2007
GMES: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, 7 to 8 June 2007
in the framework of the
Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, 7 to 8 June 2007
in the framework of the
27th EARSeL Symposium Geoinformation in Europe
Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, 4-7 June 2007
Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, 4-7 June 2007
The Workshop
GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) is a key initiative taken up by both ESA a nd the EU in order to improve the environment and security in Europe for citizens and all relevant stakeholders. From an EARSeL point of view, remote sensing technology fed by relevant research activities has proven to be a unique tool to support this initiative. It will provide it with relevant, accurate and timely data to be processed with in situ data through ad hoc models in order to deliver the requested information. GMES has been developed in the 6th FP of the EU as well as by ESA, and it is emerging as a major EU initiative in the use of space data in support of environmental monitoring strategies. GMES and GEOSS have a relevant role also in the incoming 7th European Framework Programme (2007-2013) in the sub-programmes Space (GMES) and Environment and Climate (GEOSS) and in the ESA (GSE) initiatives planned up to 2008.
2008 has been initially planned to be the starting year of the operational GMES services. This switch to an operational phase will certainly take time, but the GMES planning has to be taken into full consideration. This implies technology transfer from research to a research-fed industry.
GMES should have a major and structuring impact in the European Remote Sensing Research. Missing or neglecting it would be missing a unique policy supported opportunity. So, the workshop addresses a main issue that will structure our professional life and medium-term plans: “What role for remote sensing European research in preparing and implementing GMES??Æ
So, the EARSeL 2007 symposium is the right event at the right time to raise that question and discuss about it to have such a ‘think tank’ in a strategic way. The restored relationship between EARSeL and ESA-ESRIN, and the direct relationship with EC-JRC, Ispra and EC Bruxelles are a quite encouraging framework.
The topics follow the GMES key themes:
1. Introduction – Political framework (EC & ESA)
2. Land
3. Ocean
4. Atmosphere
and their investigation with Remote Sensing:
o Scientific aspects related to using remote sensing techniques within GMES and GSE
o Are GMES taken into proper account in the remote sensing research? Are there scientific or technical gaps?
o Are there already some successs stories in technology transfer related to GMES?
The working language at the Workshop is English.
Scientific Committee
Gerard Begni, MEDIAS France
Annamaria Nassisi, Alcatel AleniaSpazio, Rome
Marc Leroy, France
Steffen Kuntz, Germany
Organising Committee
Gesine BÀÜttcher, EARSeL Secretariat, Hannover, Germany
Mario Angelo Gomarasca, IREA-CNR, Milano, Italy
Gerard Begni, MEDIAS France
Registration and Abstract Submission
Registration and abstract submission should be done with the Conference Management System. The due date for an abstract submission will be end of February 2007.
A registration for workshop attendance can be done anytime and also on-site. Presenting authors of workshop contributions, oral and poster, are kindly requested to transfer the registration fee before 1 May 2007 to ensure that their contribution will be included in the final programme.
Payment of the registration fee is done with the Registration fee transfer form which can be downloaded here. It includes the Abstract Book, lunches, the icebreaker, and publications in the Workshop Proceedings and in EARSeL eProceedings (reviewed papers) with a free issue on CD ROM.
before 1 May 2007
after 1 May 2007
EARSeL Members
180 Euro
250 Euro
Students (EARSeL Members)
100 Euro
Students (Non-Members)
150 Euro
Venue and Accommodation
The workshop will be held at the Institute for Applied Remote Sensing of the European Academy Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC Convention Center), Viale Druso 1, I-39100 Bozen/Bolzano, Italy. A map of Convention Center, located near the Centro Storico of Bolzano, can be found here.
Bolzano in southern Tyrol is a famous historic centre, surrounded by the Alps and close to the Dolomites. A map of Bolzano/Bozen and its surroundings can be found here.
There is a wide range of hotels available in different price categories, see here. Rooms with reduced costs for workshop participants and cheap accommodation for students are available.
Contributions presented at the workshop will be published in the Workshop Proceedings on CD-ROM. The manuscripts will also be available on the Internet within EARSeL’s Workshop Proceedings Series.
Authors are particularly encouraged to submit their manuscripts to EARSeL’s reviewed open-access journal EARSeL eProceedings.
Important Dates
Abstract due date: End February 2007
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2007
Preliminary Programme on-line: 20 April 2007
Workshop Programme with abstracts on-line: 7 May 2007
Manuscript submission for Workshop Proceedings: 7 to 9 June 2007 (at workshop)
Manuscript submission for reviewed publication in EARSeL eProceedings at any time.
(Source EARSeL)