BlueSky Maps Urban Heat Patterns Across the UK

The thermal mapping will be used to identify buildings with high heat loss, and therefore potentially poor insulation, prioritise remedial action and meet government targets for increasing energy efficiency and energy conservation reporting.
BlueSky will capture the thermal surveys using an airborne thermal infrared sensor, a modified version of the technology used by the military for night vision. Areas being surveyed include Burnley District, Barrow, Coventry, South Derbyshire, Derby, Enfield and Wychavon; when completed this will produce more than 1,500 sq km of detailed property-level heat mapping.
Each survey will be flown after sunset, once weather and flying conditions permit, in order to capture the widest variations in temperature, which can occur as a result of poor insulation of buildings. BlueSky will process the survey results and supply each council with a thermal photomap providing an snapshot of hot spots by colour-coding temperature ranges. The data will be GIS-ready and can therefore be instantly compared with other council information such as property ownership details, maintenance history and customer service records.
Every Council with housing responsibilities is required, under the Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) 1995, to improve energy efficiency. Councils are required to prepare, publish and submit to the Secretary of State an energy conservation report identifying practicable and cost-effective measures to significantly improve the energy efficiency of all residential accommodation in their area, and to report on progress made in implementing the measures. Thermal mapping, provided by BlueSky, is an important tool in meeting these obligations and can also be used to support proactive work to tackle fuel poverty, improve housing conditions for residents, reduce related health complaints and help to tackle global warming.
(Source Spatialnews) 
Author: EARSC

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