- January 11, 2007
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
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In January 2007 the first call for proposals will be launched in the framework of the THEME 6 “ENVIRONMENT – INCLUDING CLIMATE CHANGE” – Specific Program Cooperation, the 7th RTD Framework Programme. Within 6.4.1. Sub-activity Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development the ‘Management of natural resources’ unit organises an information day on the15th January 2007 in Brussels.
The topics which will be dealt with during this information day are those in the following areas:
* Integration of European activities within Global Earth Observation (GEO),
* Cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO,
* Earth Observation activities in emerging areas,
* Developing capacity building activities in the domain of earth observation in developing countries.
The aim of the Information Day is to present the Earth Observation research sub-activity to various stakeholder groups and explicit its content through a debate with the participants. The sub-activity is a new research domain introduced under FP7 with respect to FP6 and it is expected that the information day will raise the awareness of the research community in this domain. Also for many of the areas under the sub-activity it is a prerequisite to involve international partners in the projects. The information day will be a good opportunity to draw the attention of the potential international participants from the Earth observation research domain. The info day will include also the presentation of other Earth Observation related activities conducted by the Commission services (GMES, Support to Research Infrastructure, INFSO and INSPIRE)(, in order to clarify the complementarities between those activities.
The event is also an occasion for presenting initial ideas relevant to this field of research and for facilitating the formation of consortia willing to present proposals for the first FP7 call. Participants will be given the possibility to make short statements or PowerPoint presentations (max. 5 min). In case you intend to use this opportunity, you are kindly asked to send the electronic version of your presentation together with the registration form to the above-indicated address before the deadline (22nd December 2006). Due to the time limit, only few of these abstracts will be presented during the Infoday, the rest will be published on the website, afterwards.
There will be no registration fee; participants have to pay their own travel, subsistence and accommodation costs. Because of the limited space (max. 180 participants), reservation will be made on a first come-first serve basis. More information on the Info Day (agenda, list of participants, call text, presentations, statements, etc.) will be published on this the website.
You are kindly asked to use the linked registration form and return it by electronic means to Mrs. Nicoleta-Ariana Nastaseanu.
Further Information
For questions about the registration please contact:
Mrs Nicoleta-Ariana Nastaseanu
Mrs Nicoleta-Ariana Nastaseanu