Have your say on the British space strategy

A Consultation on the UK Civil Space Strategy 2007-2010.
The British National Space Centre??s consultation on the UK civil space strategy 2007-10 is launched today. The attached document sets out the Government??s approach on space policy in the coming years. BNSC wants you to tell us what you think. Please follow the details in the document and reply by 2 April.
The responses to the consultation, together with the recommendations of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee space inquiry, will inform BNSC as we draft the new space strategy. We aim to publish it by the Autumn.
Responses should be sent to:
UK Space Strategy Consultation
c/o Tom Perriment
British National Space Centre
Bay 387
151 Buckingham Palace Road
Email: ukspaceconsult@bnsc.gsi.gov.uk
A Consultation on the UK Civil Space Strategy 2007-10 (pdf file, 197 kb)
(Source BNSC
Author: EARSC

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