- October 10, 2006
- Posted by: EARSC
- Category: EARSC News
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The eoVox Consortium held a one-day workshop dedicated to the common interests of the Earth Observation value adding industry, at ESA-ESRIN on the 14 September 2006 in Frascati, Italy.
The event was a great success with over 120 attendees representing the European and Canadian EO value adding sector, other related trade associations, as well as the public sector. Many different views were gathered and captured from the audience.
Follow-up from the eoVox industry stakeholders consultation workshop
This is a short note to explain the next steps of the open review process, where we invite your further input, feedback and review comments on materials presented at the workshop.
The presentations from the workshop, and a summary of the feedback we gatherered from you on the day, are available at http://www.eovox.org/workshop.html.You are welcome to download the presentations and other materials from here.
Your input and review is now invited on three items:
1. The industry declaration from the workshop – deadline 28 September.
2. The eoVox position paper – deadline 15 October.
3. The eoVox draft report T4.2 – deadline 06 October.
More information on each of these items is below.
1. The draft industry declaration (presented in workshop session 4) is available here.
This declaration will be updated with comments received and then sent to the European Commission and national delegations throughout Europe, with the names of the companies attending the workshop, and other companies who endorse the declaration, included as an appendix. You are invited to send us your comments on this declaration no later than 28th Sept. If you do not wish your company name included please let us know.
2. The eoVox Position Paper (presented in workshop Session 1) is available here.
This paper will be updated from comments received, and finalised by October 31st for circulation soon after. The names of companies attending the workshop, and other companies who endorse the paper, will again be included as an appendix. You are invited to send us comments no later than the 15th October. If you do not wish your company name included please let us know.
3. The eoVox draft Report T4.2 “Representation Brochure” (presented in workshop Session 2) is available here
This report details the services that an enhanced European EO Trade Association could deliver, with a desription of the mechanisms of delivery and benefits. Your review comments and input to this document are warmly welcomed by the 06th October and will be addressed in the final issue of this document by 31 October.
All your comments, input and feedback can be sent to either one of the following contact points:
Project Manager – Chetan Pradhan – mailto:Chetan.Pradhan@logicacmg.com
Deputy Project Manager – Monica Miguel Lago – mailto:eovox@earsc.org
We thank you for your ongoing support and participation in the eoVox initiative.
The links below provide access to all of the slides and other materials presented at the workshop, plus slides capturing the key feedback received at each session of the workshop.
Session 1: The VA Services Industry: Significance and New Trends
Session 2: EO Industry Expectations from its Trade Association
– presentation by B. Holt Andersen, ControlWare)
– presentation by J. Hartnor, Metria
– presentation by M. Stuttard, Chairman of BARSC
EOPAGES Prototype (Link to online version)
Session 3: Working Groups
Feedback received from the three working groups (see pdf)
Session 4: Road Map for the future
(Source eoVox)