Intermap to Create 3D Map of Western Europe by 2007

Intermap Technologies Corp. announced that it has accelerated its plan for creating a high-resolution, three-dimensional map of Western Europe. Driven by demand within the European automotive, government, and insurance sectors, the Company’s plans include the mapping of twelve Western European countries in their entirety by the end of 2007. Once completed, these datasets will be the most accurate elevation models of Western Europe in existence.
As part of the Company’s NEXTMap?Ãœ Europe plan, last year Intermap announced that it would map Germany by the end of 2007 and the remainder of Western Europe by the end of 2009. With the increased demand in the European market, the Company is now scheduled to complete Germany in 2006 and the remainder of Western Europe in 2007. The Company began mapping Germany earlier this year and has already collected 50 percent of the country’s geography.
Intermap will add two airplanes to its current fleet to collect geospatial data this year, bringing its collection capacity to five aircraft by the end of 2006. Combined with optimized flight scheduling plans for the winter months, this added capacity will enable Intermap to shorten the project completion time. By utilizing this expanded capacity during the winter to map southern European countries, Intermap will be able to leverage the increased data collection capacity during this year.
By the end of 2007, Intermap expects its NEXTMap database to contain these countrywide maps:
– Austria – France – Netherlands – Belgium
– Germany – Portugal – Czech Republic – Italy
– Spain – Denmark – Luxembourg – United Kingdom
At the end of the first quarter, Intermap announced that it had achieved key efficiencies and expansion of capacity that would enable the completion of both Western Europe and the U.S. by the end of 2008. Intermap’s revised schedule for accelerating the completion of Western Europe will not affect the scheduled completion of NEXTMap USA.
“Adding these European countries to Intermap’s NEXTMap database is an incredible accomplishment for the Company and is expected to create new opportunities within the European market over the next year and a half,” stated Brian Bullock, president and CEO of Intermap Technologies. “This NEXTMap program will provide the most accurate countrywide maps ever created for five of the G7 nations and should prove to be a valuable asset for the Company, our customers and our shareholders.”
In addition to enabling traditional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications for the newly created elevation models, Intermap will create 3D road vector data products to improve Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications to drive active safety devices, fuel performance improvements and in-car navigation. To serve this growing ITS market, the Company will continue to solidify joint development agreements to combine its highly accurate geospatial databases with the automotive engineering and development expertise of leading German automotive companies.
About Intermap
Intermap enables customers to facilitate better decision-making and create applications for numerous commercial, governmental, military, and consumer products through the purchase of high quality and affordable elevation datasets. The Company is proactively remapping entire countries and building unprecedented national databases, called NEXTMap, consisting of highly accurate digital topographic maps that include elevation data.
Demand for NEXTMap data is growing as new commercial applications are emerging, including geographical information systems (GIS), engineering planning, transportation, automotive, navigation, flood, irrigation, environmental management and planning, telecommunications/wireless network planning, aviation, simulation, and 3D visualization. Internet applications include virtual tours, topographic maps and computer games. Datasets are also used to add interactive intelligence to airborne and satellite imagery.
(Credits Spatialnews) 
Author: EARSC

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