LogicaCMG selected to define data security policy for GMES

LONDON, July 17 /PRNewswire/ 
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is the next flagship European initiative for space, after Galileo (Europe’s global satellite navigation system). It was set up jointly by the European Commission and ESA, driven by the need to improve the monitoring of the European and global environment in view of pursuing the sustainable management of our resources and the security of the citizen. LogicaCMG announced today that it has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to lead a study into the definition of policy for end-to-end data security on GMES, and advise on how to implement it.
The “end-to-end” nature of the study requires LogicaCMG to consider data security issues “from sensor to user”, that is, from how security affects the sensors onboard the environmental monitoring satellites involved in GMES, through to the security of information at the end user, and throughout all stages of the flow of information in between.
Andreas Sch¿‹nenberg, (ESA, initiator of the study), said: “The aim of the present activity is to establish integrative data security concepts that protect GMES against any kind of unauthorised access and threats, which have been identified in the GMES Data Security Policy. The approaches for the integrated concepts shall comply with the principles of data security like confidentiality, authentication, data integrity, access control and availability. Emphasis will be put on optimum modular and scalable concepts able to deal with different types of missions, and optimum from the users’ point of view, e.g. ensuring the required data integrity for a reliable use of GMES data products without imposing harsh operational restrictions.”
Stuart Martin, business director space and satcoms in LogicaCMG said: “Like Galileo, GMES will bring enormous economic and social benefits to Europe and must incorporate sophisticated security features to ensure its information is available to authorised users and is protected from unauthorised access. LogicaCMG is already developing many of Galileo’s security facilities for ESA, and we are delighted to have been selected for this strategic role as data security policy adviser for GMES.”
To address the wide range of issues involved in end-to-end data security, LogicaCMG has put together a team of highly experienced companies from five countries: Datamat in Italy, EADS Astrium in the UK, MDA in Canada, LogicaCMG in the UK/Netherlands and Thales in France.
About LogicaCMG
LogicaCMG is a major international force in IT services. It employs 30,000 people across 36 countries. LogicaCMG’s focus is on enabling its customers to build and maintain leadership positions using LogicaCMG’s deep industry knowledge and its track record for successful delivery. The company provides business consulting, systems integration and IT and business process outsourcing across diverse markets including telecoms, financial services, energy and utilities, industry, distribution and transport and the public sector. Headquartered in Europe, LogicaCMG is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE:LOG; Euronext:LOG). More information is available at www.logicacmg.com
LogicaCMG software supports the missions of a third of the world’s satellites. In previous GMES work, LogicaCMG has helped EADS Astrium to analyse the evolution of space missions relevant to GMES. LogicaCMG’s role in the first EU-ESA flagship space initiative, Galileo, covers the provision of all of the facilities to manage access to Galileo data and assets. Further details of LogicaCMG’s Galileo activities can be found at www.logicacmg.com/uk/galileo.
About GMES and Security
GMES is an initiative set up jointly by the European Commission and ESA. It is driven by the need to improve the monitoring of the European and global environment in view of pursuing the sustainable management of our resources and the security of the citizen. The key feature of the GMES strategy is to establish by 2008 a European capacity which, through technological, institutional and political support will fully meet those objectives. The concept of security has changed since the end of the Cold War and Europe faces new threats that are more diverse and less predictable. The borderline between civil and military responsibilities is becoming fuzzy and the term “security” finds itself used in a variety of contexts.
For more about GMES see www.esa.int/esaLP/LPgmes.html and www.gmes.info
Author: EARSC

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