JLGIS Signs an ENVISAT Downlink and Distribution Agreement with MDA

The Joint Laboratory for GeoInformation Science (JLGIS) of Hong Kong signed a two-year ENVISAT data reception and distribution agreement with MDA’s Geospatial Services.
Data from the ASAR (A Synthetic Aperture Radar) and MERIS instruments on-board ENVISAT are now being acquired, processed and archived at the ground receiving station in Shatin, Hong Kong.
The Station is part of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, a faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The data will be used for environmental and natural disaster monitoring for Hong Kong and neighbouring regions. This area of the world is subject to natural disasters such as landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and typhoons.
The attributes of the SAR instrument – collection of data independent of weather and illumination – provide a means to monitor and collect data despite the frequent cloud cover and rains in the region.
“Our long-standing relationship with the Canadian SAR community made it a natural choice to work with MDA’s Geospatial Services to secure this agreement,” said Dr. Matthew Pang, Business Manager for JLGIS.
As a member of the SARCOM consortium, MDA’s Geospatial Services has the non-exclusive worldwide license to promote and distribute ENVISAT data. As such, MDA’s Geospatial Services can sub-license a ground receiving station to receive, archive, process and distribute ENVISAT data. The SARCOM consortium comprises eight major players in the Earth Observation market. The members are multi-source data distributors with specialist knowledge of radar applications.
About MDA 
MDA (TSX:MDA) provides advanced information solutions that capture and process vast amounts of data, produce essential information, and improve the decision making and operational performance of business and government organizations worldwide.
MDA’s Geospatial Services provides Earth observation data, information products and services from aerial platforms and the majority of commercially available radar and optical satellites. These products and services are used globally for resource mapping, environmental monitoring, offshore oil and gas exploration, ice reconnaissance, maritime surveillance and disaster management.
MDA holds the exclusive distribution rights to Canada’s RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites. MDA will operate the RADARSAT-2 satellite when launched in December 2006. RADARSAT-2 offers unparalleled imaging flexibility, dual polarization and full polarimetric imaging options, high-resolution and a highly responsive programming and delivery ground segment.
As a collaboration of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Joint Laboratory for Geoinformation Science (JLGIS) was founded in 1997. Missions of JLGIS include:
1) Promoting the linkage between China’s geoinformation science and technology and elsewhere in the world, promoting Chinese culture, and absorbing advanced scientific technology elsewhere in the world;
2) Promoting and developing geoinformation science and China’s information exchange with renowned scientists in the world; and
3) Building a base for technological collaboration, academic exchange and training of CAS and CUHK.
(Credits GisUser
Author: EARSC

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