eovox: opening a window for the future

The European Space Agency (ESA) has initiated the eoVox activity to explore issues that affect the Earth Observation (EO) service industry sector in Europe and Canada.
eoVox is an opportunity for all companies to voice their viewpoint on the future of the European and Canadian EO service industry. The results will be looked at carefully by ESA in planning for the period 2008-13 to make sure that the needs of the industry are supported at the right scale, with the right mechanisms and of adequate duration. Please see our project announcement for further details.
Eovox web site provides further information about the project and the people involved in it, and how to contact us. This site will also be used to publish the results of the study and the recommendations made.
Please contact us if you have a general enquiry about the study, or if you would like to participate in the study by contributing your views.
(Credits eoVox
Author: EARSC

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