To Lisbon…and Beyond:Market Access & External Aspects of Competitiveness

To Lisbon … and Beyond : Market Access and External Aspects of Competitiveness
will take place
on Monday, 19 September 2005 in the premises of the European Parliament, Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels.
it launched the “Market Access Strategy for the European Union (EU)” in
1996, the European Commission has had a continuous exchange of
information with other EU Institutions, Member States and European
industry and business. The Commission’s regular Market Access symposia
– the last of which took place in February 2003 and hosted over 1000
business, Member States, accession and third country representatives as
well as lawyers and academic circles – have contributed substantially
to this three-way pro-active dialogue, providing the Commission with
detailed and strategic guidance on how to improve our access to third
countries’ markets.
2005 being a crucial year for the Doha
Development Agenda negotiations, this dialogue takes on even greater
Globalisation is a reality in all sectors of our economy, in every
region, in every country, of Europe. And the composition of trade is
changing. Recent reports demonstrated that traditional trade in goods
sometimes represent only the tip of the iceberg of the economic
relationships between countries.
While tariff barriers have declined, other
obstacles to trade remain and have tended to increase in importance.
Non-tariff barriers, regulatory obstacles, barriers in services
markets, hindrances in investment possibilities, lack of open and
transparent public procurement processes are frequent problems.
Inadequate protection of intellectual property rights or differing
national health, safety, environment and consumer protection standards
in third country markets have become important to the well-being of the
European economy.
How can the EU better tackle these market access problems?
Can the EU’s Market Access Strategy help in this adjustment process?
These are questions the European Commission, in co-operation with the European Parliament,
would like to discuss with you during this 5th Market Access Symposium.
(Credits at Europa
Author: EARSC

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