UN-OOSA: Call for Expression of Interest (EOI)

United Nations
Office for Outer Space Affairs
UN Programme on Space Applications
Call for Expression of Interest (EOI)
Space Technology for Disaster Management in Southeast Asia
Call ID: 2005-001
(10 June 2005)
1. General objectives
o To demonstrate the benefits of
space-based technologies to operational disaster management activities
in Southeast Asian countries
o To strengthen institutional capacity in the use and
applications of space technology for disaster reduction, preparedness
and management
o To promote technical cooperation between space technology
institutions and the disaster management community
o To promote expertise building and the wide dissemination of
information on the use of space technology for disaster management
2. Applicable project activities
o Flood monitoring
o Community-based risk mapping and vulnerability analysis (having as study area a watershed)
o Impact analysis of areas affected by the recent Indian Ocean tsunami
o Support to the rehabilitation of areas impacted by the Indian Ocean tsunami
3. Grant and Duration
o Funding source is the UN Programme on Space Application Trust Fund
o The duration of the activity/project to be supported
should be between 6 ?± 18 months. The maximum amount to be provided as
grant money for each activity/project will be US$ 20,000, and in
addition it will be possible to consider in-kind contributions such as
satellite imagery and technical expertise to be provided by identified
4. Eligibility
o The following institutions may submit
proposals: Local and national government institutions, academic
institutions and regional intergovernmental institutions, located in
Southeast Asian countries.
o The institution will be responsible for providing the
technical and administrative staff to carry out the project and should
have the facilities for the technical and administrative staff to carry
out their work. Cost of staff should be the responsibility of the
institution(s) submitting the EOI.
o This Call for EOI is being sent to all interested
institutions together with a one-page project profile template.
Interested institutions should submit the outline of their proposed
project or activity by the deadline using this 1-page template. A
Steering Committee, consisting of designated representatives of UNOOSA
and participating partners, will then choose from the submitted EOIs
three to six institutions and invite them to submit a proposal with
sufficient details so that it can be assessed.
o The proposals will be considered and the selection made
by the Steering Committee using the following criteria to analyse the
5. Criteria for Project Selection
a. Mandatory criteria
o Clear objectives, oriented towards specific issues within the focus areas outlined in section 3.
o Relevance to national or disaster management policies and capacity building
o Clear targeted beneficiary groups
o Demonstrated capacity by the applying institution to conduct and
document the project effectively within the specified budget and time
o Assurance that it is not already being undertaken elsewhere
b. Other criteria
o Government support, with indication of commitment of continued operation after completion of project
o Availability of co-funding or other in-kind contributions
o Applicability of the results to support disaster management activities
o Realistic and structured component to ensure adequate transfer of know-how and technical expertise
o Demonstrated opportunity to build cooperative and working
relationships with other related institutions, in particular
institutions from 2 or more member states.
c. What will not be funded
o Non-development activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops and educational and technical training
o Technical assistance-type projects that do not contain development activities
o Project proposals from institutions that are not listed in section 5
6. Reporting and Dissemination
o Final project report will be required and should be submitted to UNOOSA within three months after project completion.
o The results of the activity/project will be made available
publicly via the Internet or other means, as appropriate. The results
including papers, research data and findings, methodologies, techniques
will be openly available and distributed in the interest of sharing
results and research experiences.
7. Deadline for Submission of Expression of Interest
o The Expression of Interest, using the
attached template, should be e-mailed to Chang-Yune.LEE@unvienna.org
and received by 1 August 2005.
o It is expected that invitations to submit a proposal will
be sent to all successful institutions that are selected by the
Steering Committee by 31 August 2005. Invited institutions will then
have 60 days to prepare their full proposals.
o It is expected that the final project(s), which are chosen, begin in January 2006.
Contact Info
Mr. Chang-Yune Lee
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
E-mail: chang-yune.lee@unvienna.org
Tel.: +43-1-26060-4158
Fax: +43-1-26060-5830
Author: EARSC

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