In an increasingly global and complex world, standards are a vital

Various pieces of research have proved that they bring benefits,
including significant economic benefits, to all stakeholders in a
community, and to the community in its entirety (research in Germany,
for instance, has quantified the annual benefit of standards to the
national economy as being $15billion).
What is vital, however, is that
the standards produced are appropriate, in particular that they meet
the needs of the sector, are workable, and are produced and revised in
a timely manner. This requires ongoing liaison with all stakeholders.
The development of standards in the area of geographic information has
been ongoing for some years now, with a considerable number of
standards in the ISO 19100 series developed by ISO/ Technical Committee
(TC) 211 and published since 2000
(for more information on iso/tc211,
A key current focus for ISO/TC211 is
the data provider community, and the Committee last year set up a Focus
Group on Data Providers. The Group’s work plan includes the development
of suitable support material, including guidance notes and good
practice case studies, for data providers, thus supporting wide use of
the standards by data providers, and therefore realising of the
benefits arising from the use of standards.
As a first stage, the Group
needs to confirm the requirements, and current state of
standardisation, of data providers. To enable this, the Group has
developed a web-based questionnaire.
We would be very grateful if you
could take some time (we estimate that about 20 to 30 minutes will be
required) to complete the questionnaire. In return for you completing
the questionnaire, the Group will provide you with a copy of the
summarised results from the questionnaire and will keep you informed of
relevant developments in ISO/TC211.
Responses received by 20May 2005
would be particularly helpful.
For your convenience, a printable version of the questionnaire is
available at
Although you can use it to prepare your answers, we kindly request that
you use the on-line questionnaire for submitting your answers.
complete the on-line questionnaire, please go to the following web
Address and follow
the on-screen prompts.
Many thanks, in advance, for your support of
this work. On behalf of the ISO/TC211 Focus Group on Data Providers,
Iain Greenway
Author: EARSC

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