The EARSC EO product award 2023 will recognize a value-added1 product that will support the Green Deal Agenda.
The European Commission is demonstrating unprecedented leadership with the Green Deal initiative to tackle climate change and will require an abundance of resources, including viable data and information which will allow governments to identify risks, tailor policy response and resource allocation, monitor progress and identify trends.
The green transition must be complemented by the continued use and improvement of new datasets. Combining satellite data with measurements from ground-based instruments and exploiting deep technological approaches (e.g. artificial intelligence and machine learning) makes it possible to have a wide range of operational applications and services contributing to the Green Deal.
European EO industry can help achieve the Green Deal set of policies by providing critical information to the Green Deal actions on climate, energy, agriculture, transport or environment.
Criteria to apply:
Companies registered in EU or ESA Member state countries.
Nomination’s schedule:
The competition will run until the 30th of April during which time, the candidate companies may adapt an existing product, develop a new product or simply promote one they have already in their catalog. Companies will be asked to provide a short summary of the results which will be used as a statement for the international jury (see criteria)
Deadline for entries 11th of May 2023
The award will be announced during the EARSC EXPANDEO annual cocktail where other EARSC Awards are also revealed. This is your opportunity to follow in the steps of previous award winners and benefit from the prestige of winning an EARSC award!
Criteria for evaluation:
Any European commercial product (value-added product) which will support the Green Deal agenda could apply. The criteria for evaluation are the following:
- Explain what type of product the company offers
- Describe the challenge: What problem this product will solve/what solution will this provide?
- How will this product contribute to the monitoring of a particular area on sustainable development with the Green Deal policy focus?
- Explanation of the circumstances surrounding the development of this product and the identification of the policy area which supports the expected impact to address.
If you have any question contact:
1)Value-added Earth observation products are built upon EO satellite data. The raw data collected by Earth observation sensors is processed, analyzed, or interpreted in order to provide additional insights and value that may not be directly observable from the raw satellite data. These value-added products are typically generated through the application of algorithms, models, or other analytical techniques to the raw data, resulting in more meaningful and actionable information for users.