LANDSENSE INNOVATION CHALLENGE: Empowering communities to monitor & report on their environment

The LandSense Innovation Challenge, based on a Hackathon concept, supports knowledge sharing through a one-day event where participants can present and share their technical capabilities, innovation and creativity.

The challenge focuses on using data streams coming from the LandSense Citizen Observatory, the Sentinel Hub Service or other relevant EO data sources to design novel Land Use/Land Cover solutions for a range of applications within the selected domains.

Four LandSense Challenge finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas at the Second International ECSA Conference 2018 on 3 June 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Each of the finalists will receive:

  • A travel voucher in the amount of 250 EUR per team for attending the event in Geneva
  • One ticket per team at a discounted rate to attend the Second International ECSA Conference 2018 (Cost: 50 EUR)
  • Business coaching and mentorship services at the challenge
  • Matchmaking and networking opportunities with leading experts in EO and citizen science
  • Promotional services by LandSense
  • Presentation about the LandSense Engagement Platform at the Conference in Geneva

The team with the best pitch in Geneva will receive:

  • A grand prize of 1,500 EUR (in the form of a check presented at the event)
  • A 1-year subscription to Sentinel Hub Enterprise, worth 5,000 EUR, provided by SINERGISE
  • Online business coaching and mentorship services provided by the LandSense team

Call details & Application form

Author: EARSC

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