Neo bv


NEO is an innovative independent Dutch company, established in 1996. NEO applies satellite imagery in management of infrastructure and environment, as well as in agriculture and forestry. NEO assists both new and experienced users of remote sensing through the supply of satellite imagery, of software to process images and especially of knowledge: NEO??s most important activity is the interpretation and processing of satellite imagery into useful information. NEO works across the globe.


NEO is specialised in processing of satellite imagery on behalf of our customers. NEO supplies information used for the updating of databases, maps, GIS– and CAD-environments, in studies, etc. NEO also acts as consultant for customers who use or intend to use remote sensing. NEO assists companies and government bodies in the outsourcing of secondary activities, related to the use of earth observation in keeping databases up to date, production of maps, monitoring of infrastructure, nature areas, forest concessions and crops. NEO??s senior advisors are used to mange projects in complex institutional, organisational and technical environments. Internationally NEO has carried out assignments in the European Union and Central Europe, in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Our innovations are usually conducted in a partnership with our customers. Examples are:

  • The detection of changes, important to keep databases up-to-date, for instance of road infrastructure in The Netherlands;
  • The monitoring of forest concessions to meet certification requirements for sustainable forestry and carbon sequestration;
  • The early detection of lower (or higher) yields in agriculture, risks of forest fires on a global scale using scatterometry.

Interpretation of satellite imagery is a profession, requiring knowledge of problems with which the customer is required. NEO has expertise in amongst others, geology, geography, ecology, land use agriculture and forestry. Project examples can be found in our English project references.


  • Off-the-shelf satellite image products of The Netherlands such as SAT1, SAT 5, SAT25 used for a variety of purposes;
  • Satellite imagery. NEO searches the most suitable image and negotiates in the acquisition of the most suitable user license;
  • Derived images, directly accessible to the customer in format, size and geometry;
  • Ortho-rectified satellite and aerial images;
  • Satellite image maps;
  • Thematic maps in numerous areas such as vegetation maps;
  • Early Warning for drought and damage in agriculture on a global scale in DRYMON;
  • Second opinions, for example in fraud control in agriculture;
  • Inspections and audits in many areas, from damage insurance to control on crop management techniques;
  • Mutation of databases using change analysis between database and satellite image, or between two successive images, for illegal land fills, roundabouts, illegal constructions, etc

In our production activities we offer the highest possible quality against a very competitive price. The result is reached in a continuing process of investment in innovation and the integration of the newest technology in the production lines.

Satellite Imagery

On the start page of the site the possibility is offered to search on your own for satellite imagery on the Internet, but you can also leave this to NEO. NEO is an agent for operators and master distributors of satellite images. When you buy an image from us you pay the international price. NEO?ƒˆs fee is paid by the operator. For imagery where user licenses and copyrights are out of the ordinary we indicate our fee beforehand. The service is based on knowledge and experience of satellites, ground stations, etc. as well as on personal contacts world-wide with centres and persons, with access to images. For larger orders NEO is often capable of negotiating attractive discounts.

Author: EARSC

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